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Урок по Английскому языку на тему "Learning about London"

[I:]Pussy Cat. Pussy Cat.Where Have you been ?I have been to London look to the Queen.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Learning about London
School № 155
Teacher-Zhavoronkova Valentina Mihailovna

Learning about LondonSchool № 155Class-6Teacher-Zhavoronkova Valentina Mihailovna

Слайд 2[I:]
Pussy Cat. Pussy Cat.
Where Have you been ?
I have been

to London
look to the Queen.

[I:]Pussy Cat. Pussy Cat.Where Have you been ?I have been to London look to the Queen.

Слайд 3Answer the questions: What can you see? What is the general

on these pictures?

Answer the questions: What can you see? What is the general on these pictures?

Слайд 4the theme of our lesson is:
Welcome to the capital of

 Great Britain

the theme of our lesson is:Welcome to the capital of  Great Britain

Слайд 5The full name of this country is:

GREAT BRITAIN ANDNOTHERN IRELAND.(соединенное королевство Великобритании и северной Ирландии).

The full name of this country is:THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN ANDNOTHERN IRELAND.(соединенное королевство Великобритании и

Слайд 6The U.K.

The U.K.

Слайд 7LONDON is the capital of great Britain

LONDON is the capital of great Britain

Слайд 8Answerк the questions
What country is Lisa from?
Does she like

Has Oleg been to London?
Does Lisa like London?
What places can

a person visit in London?

Answerк the questionsWhat country is Lisa from? Does she like Moscow?Has Oleg been to London?Does Lisa like

Слайд 9Let`s relax
I can run
I can jump to
Look at me.

Let`s relaxone.one.oneI can runTwo.two.twoI can jump toThree.three.threeLook at me.

Слайд 10Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

Слайд 11The tower of London

The tower of London

Слайд 12Trafalgar square

Trafalgar square

Слайд 13Big Ben

Big Ben

Слайд 14House of parliament

House of parliament

Слайд 15Bloody tower

Bloody tower

Слайд 16White tower

White tower

Слайд 17Westminster abbey

Westminster abbey

Слайд 18Questions
What place do you like? I like......
What place would you

like to visit?
I would like to visit.........

QuestionsWhat place do you like? I like......What place would you like to visit? I would like to

Слайд 19What is the capital of.......?
Where is............situated(расположен)?
What is the full(полный).....name of

the country?
Who is the hade of state( глава государства) of

What is the............live?
What colours is........of the U.K.?

What is the capital of.......?Where is............situated(расположен)?What is the full(полный).....name of the country?Who is the hade of state(

Слайд 20Raise your head.  Jump up high. Wave your hand  and say "Good bye!”

Raise your head.  Jump up high. Wave your hand  and say

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