автора Биболетовой М. З.
«Современные технологии в нашей жизни и в будущем». Мыльникова Г. Х.
РСО – Алания г. Моздок
2014 г.
Мыльникова Г. Х.
РСО – Алания г. Моздок
2014 г.
“The future is not a gift – it is
an achievement”.
Harry Lauder.
“Now people are absolutely dependent on modern technologies, they will not survive without them.”
Philip Scott
Let’s remember some facts from the “ Encyclopedia of the Great Inventions That Shook the World”.
How do modern technologies influence upon our lives?
What is the importance of the following the most popular inventions: computers, mobile phones, television?
3. Analyze their advantages and negative sides.
Group II-Computers.
Group III- Television.
“Now people are absolutely dependent on modern
technologies, they will not survive without them.”
Philip Scott
“Everything that can be invented-
has been invented”.
Charles H.Duell
4. Which project in your opinion is the most interesting?
Teacher: Agree with you- all the projects were interesting and I would like to use these new technologies in my everyday life: to live in a “smart” house with robots doing all house- work instead of me.
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