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урока "The Green world" 7-класс

BrainstormingThe quotation: “If we don’t think about the Future we won’t have it.”

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The theme:

The green world

The theme:The green world

Слайд 2Brainstorming
The quotation: “If we don’t think about the Future we

won’t have it.”

(J. Galsworthy)
BrainstormingThe quotation: “If we don’t think about the Future we won’t have it.”

Слайд 3“Bridge” tasks:

Wild animals
1. Animals divide into two categories.

What are they?
2. Name the domestic animals.
3. Name the wild

“Bridge” tasks: Wild animals 1. Animals divide into two categories. What are they?2. Name the domestic animals.3.

Слайд 44. Do you know anything about life in the desert?

What kind of animals live there?
6. What kind of animals

live in the tropical forest?
7. Do you know anything about whales?
8. Are there whales in the Caspian Sea?
9. Where do tigers and elephants live?

4. Do you know anything about life in the desert?5. What kind of animals live there?6. What

Слайд 6To check up the understanding of the new lesson.

сабақты бекіту)
1. Complete the chart:
2. Is the saguaro useful or

3. What do you think about the redwood tree?
To check up the understanding of the new lesson. (Жаңа сабақты бекіту)1. Complete the chart:2. Is the

Слайд 7Saxaul


Слайд 8Saguaro cactus
Its height is 16 m.
The first flowers
appear when

plant is 50-70
years old.
The first branch

Saguaro cactusIts height is 16 m.The first flowers appear when the plant is 50-70 years old. The

Слайд 9Redwood tree

Redwood tree

Слайд 10III time
Back contact – marking time
Кері байланыс – бағалау кезеңі

Match the Kazakh words with the English.

aрнайы appear
шөл дала tree
ағаш animals
гүл Earth
пайда болу birds
құстар special
жануарлар desert

to know

to use

The ….. Is a special place for plants.
Redwood is the oldest … tree on the Earth.
All …. lay eggs.


III timeBack contact – marking timeКері байланыс – бағалау кезеңі Match the Kazakh words with the English. Жер

Слайд 11Theory:
To understand
To analyse

A noun: TREE
Two adjectives describing the TREE:
3 verbs

denoting actions due to the TREE:
A phrase in 4 words

related to the theme:
A synonym of the TREE:


Theory:To understandTo analyseA noun: TREETwo adjectives describing the TREE:3 verbs denoting actions due to the TREE:A phrase

Слайд 12Theory:
To gather

To mark
Answering these questions write small composition “I’m a

part of the nature.”

Do you plant trees?
How do you plant

What trees have you got in your yard?
Are you a green person?
Do you like the green world?
The Earth, the nature is in danger. Do you think so?


Theory:To gatherPractice:To markAnswering these questions write small composition “I’m a part of the nature.”Do you plant trees?How

Слайд 13Conclusion
At home:
ex. 12

ConclusionAt home: ex. 12

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