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Слайд 1

Слайд 10 1


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Слайд 12Do you know London?

Do you know London? contest

Слайд 13When did Sir Christopher Wren build St. Paul’s Cathedral?

When did Sir Christopher Wren build St. Paul’s Cathedral?

Слайд 14In the 17th century after the Great Fire

In the 17th century after the Great Fire

Слайд 15What monument is in the centre of Trafalgar square?

What monument is in the centre of Trafalgar square?

Слайд 16Monument to Admiral Nelson

Monument to Admiral Nelson

Слайд 17What museums in London do you know?

What museums in London do you know?

Слайд 18Two famous museums
National Gallery

British Museum

Two famous museums  National Gallery     British Museum

Слайд 19What are the most famous churches in London?
National Gallery
St. Paul’s


What are the most famous churches in London?National GallerySt. Paul’s Cathedral

Слайд 20What birds live in the Tower of London and why?

What birds live in the Tower of London and why?

Слайд 21Black Ravens. They are twelve.

Black Ravens.  They  are  twelve.

Слайд 22When is Guy Fawkes night? What do children make for

this day?

When is Guy Fawkes night? What do children make for this day?

Слайд 23The 5 th of November

The 5 th of November

Слайд 24What is the symbol of Halloween? How do

children celebrate this day?

What is the  symbol of  Halloween? How do children celebrate this day?

Слайд 25Jack- o’- lantern

Jack- o’- lantern

Слайд 26Who wrote «Harry Potter»?

Who  wrote «Harry Potter»?

Слайд 27Joanne Rowling

Joanne  Rowling

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