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"Victory Day (May,9)"

May 9 - Day of the legendary victory over fascism in the Second World war and memorial Day fighters. Victory day all over the world strong and formidable opponent in the

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Victory Day (9 may) 1941-1945
Kriklivaya Anastasia
8 «А» class,

Teacher : Shapovalova Tatyana Mikhailovna

Victory Day  (9 may)  1941-1945Kriklivaya Anastasia 8 «А» class, school №35ArtyomTeacher : Shapovalova Tatyana Mikhailovna

Слайд 2May 9 - Day of the legendary victory over fascism

in the Second World war and memorial Day fighters. Victory

day all over the world strong and formidable opponent in the person of Hitler and Nazi Germany.
May 9 - Day of the legendary victory over fascism in the Second World war and memorial

Слайд 3The length of the great Patriotic war amounted 1418 days

and nights.

The length of the great Patriotic war amounted 1418 days and nights.

Слайд 4On this day, traditionally meet veterans, laid wreaths at the

tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the monuments of glory and

valor, booming fireworks.
On this day, traditionally meet veterans, laid wreaths at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the monuments

Слайд 5Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. We will continue to

remember it.

Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. We will continue to remember it.

Слайд 6 Sources:

Sources: http://victory-day.ru/?Fotografii_Dnya_Pobedy:Fotografii_Dnya_Pobedy_9_maya%3A_arhivnye_fotohttp://www.go2life.net/events-dates/240-9-maya-den-pobedy-40-fotografiy-muzhestva-i-otvagi-geroev.htmlhttp://priroda.inc.ru/animation/pobeda.htmlhttp://ped-kopilka.ru/shkolnye-prazdniki/den-pobedy/den-pobedy-istorija.html

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