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Welcome to Disneyland!

Phonetic drillWe go by car and we go by trainWe go by boat and we go by planeWe go by land and sea, and airWe go, go, go from here to

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The theme:


Слайд 2Phonetic drill
We go by car and we go by train

go by boat and we go by plane
We go by

land and sea, and air
We go, go, go from here to there

Phonetic drillWe go by car and we go by trainWe go by boat and we go by

Слайд 3Words to

ceremony [‘serіmәni],n- той, салтанат

knowledge [nolidg]- білім
create [kri:eit],v- құру

magical [mәdgikәl],adj- сиқыршылық

acre[‘eikә]- акр (0,405га)
dusty[dvsti],adj- шаңды
later [leitә],adv- кейінірек, кешірек

Words to study: ceremony [‘serіmәni],n-   той, салтанат   knowledge [nolidg]- білім  create [kri:eit],v-

Слайд 4
Have you ever heard about Disneyland?
Have you ever been

to Disneyland?
Do you want to go there?

Have you ever heard about Disneyland? Have you ever been to Disneyland?Do you want to go there?

Слайд 5Answer the questions :

1. How

old is Disneyland?

2.What kind of place is Disneyland ?

3. Who created this park?

4. Whom did he take to park and playground ?

5. Is it a big park?

Disneyland is 61 years old

Disneyland is a place where people find both happiness and knowledge

Walt Disney created this park

He took two daughters to parks and playgrounds

Yes, it is a big park

Answer the questions :      1. How old is Disneyland?

Слайд 6Puzzle:
-Children, look at the board. It’s puzzle. You have to

find the words by text in this puzzle.

Puzzle:-Children, look at the board. It’s puzzle. You have to find the words by text in this

Слайд 7

to live
Present Simple Past Simple
V1 V2
I live there. I lived there.
Present Perfect
Present perfect шағы болған оқиғаның, іс-әрекеттің нәтижесі туралы айтқан кезде қолданылады. Аяқталған іс-әрекетті білдіреді.
Present Perfect шағы көбіне ever(қашан болса да, бір кезде), never(ешқашан), already(енді, әлдеқашан, бұрын), yet(ендігі, әлі) үстеулерімен қолданылады.
Жасалуы: have + V3 (Past Participle); V3 = V1 + ed, d
Мысалы: I have already been to the UK
Мен Ұлы Британияда бұрын болғанмын.

Слайд 8“To all who come to this happy place! Welcome. Disneyland

is your land ”
Walt Disney said these words on July

17, 1955 at the opening ceremony of his park.
Disneyland is a place where people find both happiness and knowledge.
Walt Disney told is friends a story about how, on Saturdays, he took his two daughters to parks and playgrounds. It was Walt Disney who created such a park. His “magical little park” twenty years later became the Magic Kingdom. He turned 160 acres of dusty orange place into the happiest place on the earth.
“To all who come to this happy place! Welcome. Disneyland is your land ”Walt Disney said these

Слайд 9He _______ lived in England for fifty years. (live)
People __________

at this plays. (lough)
He _________ all the book.
I ________

of those writers.
I ________ that picture at the cinema.
He ________ plays.
He _________ that time and time again.
I ________ my book at home.
You ________ this exercise well.
He _______ lived in England for fifty years. (live)People __________ at this plays. (lough)He _________ all the

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