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Westminster Abbey (Вестминстерское Аббатство)

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Слайд 1W e s t m i n s t e

r A b b e y

A.,Tsiplenkova E.
Form 11
W e s t m i n s t e r     A b

Слайд 2Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

Слайд 3Cathedral church of St. Peter at Westminster, almost always called

Westminster abbey - gothic church in the city of Westminster

(London), to the west of the palace of Westminster. Built with breaks with 1245 in 1745 years, but the shape keeps gothic. The traditional place of coronation of the monarchs of the united kingdom and the graves of the monarchs of England. Along with the nearby church of St. Margaret abbey given the status of the World heritage.

Westminster Abbey

Cathedral church of St. Peter at Westminster, almost always called Westminster abbey - gothic church in the

Слайд 4 Westminster Abbey
With their identical square towers and openwork arches of

the ancient abbey in the English gothic style is one

of the brightest examples of the medieval church architecture. But for the English it is much more: it is a sanctuary of the nation, a symbol of everything, for which he fought and are fighting the british, and here is the place, where was crowned by a big part of the rulers of the country, many of whom are buried here.
Westminster Abbey With their identical square towers and openwork arches of the ancient abbey in the

Слайд 5History.
Edward the Confessor was founded the benedictine abbey in 1065

year in this place, overlooking the square of the Parliament.

Presumably, the first king of england, who was crowned here, Harold was in January 1066. Defeated him at the battle of Hastings William the Conqueror was crowned here in the same year, and the first record in the abbey witnessed it. The traditions of the coronation survived till our times. Early English gothic structure of the building of the abbey in the greater degree is obliged to Henry III, than any of the other rulers, although many architects, including TO. Rehn, have made their contribution to the appearance of the abbey.

History.Edward the Confessor was founded the benedictine abbey in 1065 year in this place, overlooking the square

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