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What is the role of water in the nature?

Hypothesis: We count , that remarkable substance water , it is necessary for a life of the ground and on the ground. The purposes and problems: To systematize representations

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Secondary school №7 Georgiyevsk, Stavropol region Project What is the role

of water in the nature ?

Written by Kireev Alex

School- №7
Form-9 «А»
Teacher of English: Drogavtseva E.V.

Georgiyevsk 2008

Secondary school №7 Georgiyevsk, Stavropol region   Project  What is the role of water in

Слайд 2Hypothesis: We count , that remarkable substance water , it is

necessary for a life of the ground and on the


The purposes and problems:
To systematize representations about distribution of water on the ground.
To find out value of water for plants , animal , the person.
To open principal causes and consequences of pollution water.

Hypothesis: We count , that remarkable substance water , it is necessary for a life of the

Слайд 3Kind from space.
On the globe and a card our planet.


is blue: oceans, seas, rivers.

Kind from space.On the globe and a card our planet.Water is blue: oceans, seas, rivers.

Слайд 4Waters of reservoirs.


Waters of reservoirs. Riversoceans SeasLakes

Слайд 5Water , water – circle water…
On the ground – 3/4

plants - 4/5
In the person–3/4

Water , water – circle water…On the ground – 3/4In plants - 4/5In the person–3/4

Слайд 6There is no end to its various transformations: the she

a dewdrop, a sparkling snowflake, transparent ice.

There is no end to its various transformations: the she a dewdrop, a sparkling snowflake, transparent ice.

Слайд 7Consequences of activity of the person

Consequences of activity of the person

Слайд 8Pollution of reservoirs

Pollution of reservoirs

Слайд 9The Caucasian mineral waters.

The Caucasian mineral waters.

Слайд 10
Mineral source

Mineral source

Слайд 11Conclusions:
Water transfers heat and warms houses.
Water is necessary for transport.

is necessary in the industry and an agriculture.
Water is necessary

for plants, animals, and people.
Water is one of the most important resources of the Earth!
Conclusions:Water transfers heat and warms houses.Water is necessary for transport.Water is necessary in the industry and an


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