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Whatever the weather. Summer or winter? 6 класс


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Слайд 1Whatever the weather Summer or winter?

Whatever the weather Summer or winter?

Слайд 2spring


Слайд 3
English proverbs
April showers (ливни) bring May flowers.
Its raining cats and

A snowy year is a rich year.
One swallow (ласточка) doesn’t

make a spring.
After rain comes fair (ясная) weather.
English proverbsApril showers (ливни) bring May flowers.Its raining cats and dogs.A snowy year is a rich year.One

I saw dawn creep across the sky
And all

the gulls go flying by.
I saw the sea put on

its dress
Of blue mid-summer loveliness.
And hear the trees begin to stir
I heard the wind call out and say:
"Get up, my dear, it is today!"

A SUMMER MORNING I saw dawn creep across the skyAnd all the gulls go flying by.I saw

Слайд 5Different people like different seasons.
Which season is your favourite?


season is the best in your opinion?

Which season is

the worst in your opinion?

Different people like different seasons.Which season is your favourite? Which season is the best in your opinion?

You'll read the text. Find

the answer to this question: What season do these children


WHAT SEASON DO THESE CHILDREN LIKE?You'll read the text. Find the answer to this question: What season

Слайд 7
Whether the weather is fine,
Or whether the weather is not,

the weather is cold,
Or whether the weather is hot,
We'll wheather

(вытерпим) the weather.
Whatever (какая бы ни была) the weather.
Whether we like or not!

Whether the weather is fine,Or whether the weather is not,Whether the weather is cold,Or whether the weather

Слайд 8Which season is your favourite?
My favourite season is….. because

I like…when…
In winter/ spring/ summer/ autumn I can…
b) The

season I dislike most is….. because ...
I dislike/ hate…. when…
Which season is your favourite? My favourite season is….. because ... I like…when…In winter/ spring/ summer/ autumn

Слайд 9Simple Future / to be going to
1) It is

very stuffy (душно). - It......(rain).
2) The weather is fine

today. What will you do? - I don't know yet. I think we ... (go) to the zoo.
3) Do you know what weather will be like tomorrow? - Sure. It ... (be) windy and wet.
4) It is raining. - No problem. I... (take) an umbrella
5) There are dark clouds in the sky. - Yes, it … (be) stormy.
6) It is frosty. Please, put on a warm sweater. -I will. I think it … (be) very cold in the evening.
7) What will the weather be like tomorrow? - Look, the sky is starry (звездное). It … (be) sunny tomorrow.

Simple Future / to be going to 1) It is very stuffy (душно). - It......(rain). 2) The

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