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What is the newspaper

Newspaper is the oldest mass media. The first newspaper was published in China in the VIII century.

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Newspaper is the oldest mass media. The first newspaper was

published in China in the VIII century.

Newspaper is the oldest mass media. The first newspaper was published in China in the VIII century.

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A newspaper is a paper printed and sold usually daily

or weekly with news, advertisement etc.
There are different types of

A newspaper is a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisement etc.There are

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Papers can be divided in:

People read papers all over the world.

Papers can be divided in: national local daily weekly Sunday quality tabloidPeople read papers all over the

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Quality newspapers (known as «heavies») contain a lot of serious

articles, e.g. about politics, business, science, cultural news.
Popular newspapers

(known as «tabloids») carry a lot of big photographs, contain short, simple reports on the main news, stories about famous people.












Quality newspapers (known as «heavies») contain a lot of serious articles, e.g. about politics, business, science, cultural

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Local newspapers
give information on different events happening in the

local area.
National newspapers
are sold all over the country. Most of

them express a political opinion.
Local newspapers give information on different events happening in the local area.National newspapersare sold all over the

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Daily newspapers

Sunday newspapers
are larger than daily ones and often have

2 or 3 sections.
are published on every day of the

week except Sunday.
Daily newspapersSunday newspapersare larger than daily ones and often have 2 or 3 sections.are published on every

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There are also different kinds of journals and magazines. These

contain a lot of adverts and give information on various

topics: from cars to educational problems. They are pleasant to read and easy to understand.
There are also different kinds of journals and magazines. These contain a lot of adverts and give

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Of course, newspapers don’t react to events as quickly as

TV, but they usually provide us with extra detail, comment

and back ground information.
Of course, newspapers don’t react to events as quickly as TV, but they usually provide us with

Слайд 10Mass Media in the UK

Mass Media in the UKNewspapers

Слайд 11Fleet Street
Fleet Street has been the home of the British

press for 300 years. Here are published almost all Britain’s

national newspapers. Here also are the headquarters of many magazines, foreign and provincial press bureaus, international news agencies
Fleet StreetFleet Street has been the home of the British press for 300 years. Here are published

Слайд 13The Daily Telegraph

The Daily Telegraph is a daily morning broadsheet

newspaper distributed throughout the UK and internationally. In January 2009

the Telegraph was the highest selling British broadsheet newspaper. It has been politically conservative in modern times, therefore the paper is often referred to as the Torygraph.

The Daily TelegraphThe Daily Telegraph is a daily morning broadsheet newspaper distributed throughout the UK and internationally.

Слайд 14The Guardian
The Guardian is a British national daily newspaper owned

by the Guardian Media Group.
It is unique among other

British newspapers in being owned by a foundation (the Scott Trust).
Founded by textile traders and merchants, The Guardian had a reputation as an “organ of the middle class”.
It is known to be to the left of political spectrum. This is reflected in the paper’s readership.
It’s nickname is Grauniad because the paper has a reputation for frequent typographical errors.
The GuardianThe Guardian is a British national daily newspaper owned by the Guardian Media Group. It is

Слайд 15The Times
The Times is a daily national newspaper published in

the United Kingdom since 1785, when it was known as

The Daily Universal Register.
The newspaper was printed in broadsheet format for 219 years but switched to compact size in 2004 partly in an attempt to appeal to younger readers and partly to appeal to commuters using public transport.

The TimesThe Times is a daily national newspaper published in the United Kingdom since 1785, when it

Слайд 16The Independent
The Independent is a British newspaper published by Tony

O’Reily’s Independent News & Media.
It is nicknamed the Indy,

while the Sunday edition is the Sindy.
Launched in 1986, it is one of the youngest UK national daily newspapers.
It is regarded as leaning to the left politically, although it has not affiliated itself to any political party.
The Independent has a reputation for its emphasis on views, rather than on news. Not surprisingly so, T. Blair once called The Independent a “Viewspaper”.
The IndependentThe Independent is a British newspaper published by Tony O’Reily’s Independent News & Media. It is

Слайд 17The Financial Times
The Financial Times (FT) is a British

international business newspaper.
The FT specialises in business and financial

news. The FT is the only paper in the UK providing full daily reports on the London Stock Exchange and world markets.
The Financial Times The Financial Times (FT) is a British international business newspaper. The FT specialises in

Слайд 18The Sun
The Sun is a daily tabloid published in

the UK and Ireland.
It has the highest circulation of

any daily newspaper in the world.
The Sun relies heavily on stories and scandals involving celebrities and the entertainment industry. It contains sections such as Bizarre (pop music stories and gossip) and TV Biz (television stories, concentrating on soap operas and reality TV).

The Sun The Sun is a daily tabloid published in the UK and Ireland. It has the

Слайд 19The Daily Mirror
The Daily Mirror is a British tabloid newspaper

founded in 1903.
Twice in history its title was changed

to read simply The Mirror.
It contains cartoon strips, comics, a letters page, a problem page, “shock issues” intended to highlight a particular news story.

The Daily MirrorThe Daily Mirror is a British tabloid newspaper founded in 1903. Twice in history its

Слайд 20The Daily Mail
The Daily Mail is a British daily middle

market tabloid newspaper.
It is the UK’s second biggest-selling daily

newspaper after The Sun.
The Daily Mail was Britain’s first daily newspaper aimed at the newly literate “lower-middle class market resulting from mass education”.
It was from the outset, a newspaper for women, and is still the only British newspaper whose readership is more than 50% female.
The Daily MailThe Daily Mail is a British daily middle market tabloid newspaper. It is the UK’s

Слайд 21The Daily Express
The Daily Express is a conservative British tabloid

The Daily Express select front-page stories that follow recurring

themes, and often ignore the major news of the day in favour of spurious stories.
During 2009 and 2010, health stories were very popular. For example, they featured the discovery of rather unusual potential cures for diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease or cancer. The usual headlines: “Sunshine vitamins cut risk of cancer”.
The Daily Express also features global warming stories.
The Daily ExpressThe Daily Express is a conservative British tabloid newspaper. The Daily Express select front-page stories

Слайд 22The Sunday Times
a Sunday broadsheet newspaper.

Sunday Times and its sister newspaper The Times were founded

independently and came under common ownership only in 1996.
The Sunday Times occupies a dominant position in the quality Sunday market.
It publishes:
1) The Sunday Times Rich List, an annual survey of the wealthiest people in Britain and Ireland, equivalent to the Forbes 400 list in the USA.
2) the Bestseller List of bestselling books in Britain
3) a list on the 100 best UK-based companies to work for.

The Sunday Times   a Sunday broadsheet newspaper. The Sunday Times and its sister newspaper The

Слайд 23The News of the World
The News of the World is

a British tabloid newspaper published every Sunday.
It can be

considered the Sunday sister paper of the Sun.
The newspaper concentrates on celebrity-based scoops and populist views.
The News of the World is the largest selling English-language newspaper in the world.
The News of the WorldThe News of the World is a British tabloid newspaper published every Sunday.

Слайд 24Other newspapers in the UK
The evening papers (Evening Standard, Evening

Provincial and local papers which serve towns and areas outside

London (The Birmingham Post)
Periodicals and weeklies. The old-established weeklies are The Economist, The New Statesman, The Spectator.
Other newspapers in the UKThe evening papers (Evening Standard, Evening News)Provincial and local papers which serve towns

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