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Презентация к уроку лингвострановедения "Архитектурные достопримечательности Беларуссии"

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The Palace and Castle ensemble in Niasvizh is situated

in the north-east of the town, encircled by the ponds

on the river of Uša. The construction of the stone castle was initiated by the first Ordinate of Niasvizh Mikołaj Krzysztof "the Orphan" Radziwiłł (1549-1616). The construction work began in 1583. 
RADZIWILL'S PALACE The Palace and Castle ensemble in Niasvizh is situated in the north-east of the town,

Слайд 5


Слайд 6Mir Castle Complex
For the first time

Мir was mentioned in 1434 when it becomes a private

estate of Senko Gedygoldovich. According to his will in 1451 Mir passes to Anna Butrimovna, his foster daughter. In 1476 Anna gives Mir as possession for life to  Senko’s wife Milokhna, and after her death – to her cousin Yury Ilinich, who started building the castle. 
Mir Castle Complex    For the first time Мir was mentioned in 1434 when it

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