Разделы презентаций

"Whose T-shirt is this?" form 5'A'

The aims:Educational aim:teach pupils to answer the question and presentation of the new wors:T-shirt jeans an anoraka jacket shoes a skirttrousers a tie a

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Whose T-shirt
is this?

Whose T-shirt is this?

Слайд 2The aims:
Educational aim:
teach pupils to answer the question and presentation

of the new wors:
T-shirt jeans an anorak
a jacket

shoes a skirt
trousers a tie a pullover
trainers a hat a dress
Questions: mine, yours, hers, his, theirs.

The aims:Educational aim:teach pupils to answer the question and presentation of the new wors:T-shirt  jeans

Слайд 3b) Developing aim :
a) to develop pupils speaking, listening,

writing, habits.
b) To develop pupils skills and habits in monologue(dialogue)

speech through asking questions, making up different conversations.
c) Cultural aim: to teach them to respect their friends and peoples.
b) Developing aim : a) to develop pupils speaking, listening, writing, habits.b) To develop pupils skills and

Слайд 7



Слайд 8a T-shirt

a T-shirt

Слайд 9trainers


Слайд 11a skirt

a skirt

Слайд 12a sweater

a sweater

Слайд 13roller skates

roller skates

Слайд 15trousers


Слайд 16a shirt

a shirt

Слайд 19a pullover

a pullover

Слайд 21a jacket

a jacket

Слайд 24a dress

a dress

Слайд 25sock – шұлық
a T-shirt – ерлер көйлегі
trainers – кроссовки
jeans –

a skirt – юбка
a sweater – свитер
roller skates – роликті


an anorak – күрте, кеудеше
trousers – шалбар
a shirt – ерлер көйлегі
a tie – галстук
a cap – такия, шапка
a pullover – пуловер
a blouse - блузка

a jacket – жакет, куртке
shoes – туфли, бәтеңке
a hat – шляпа
a dress – әйел көйлегі


sock – шұлықa T-shirt – ерлер көйлегіtrainers – кроссовкиjeans – джинсыa skirt – юбкаa sweater – свитерroller

Слайд 26Mrs Evans: Colin, whose T-shirt is this?
Is it yours or

Colin: It`s not mine, it`s Carol`s.
Mrs Evans: And whose jeans

are these?
Are they yours, Carol?
Carol: Mine? No, they aren`t mine,
they`re Colin`s.
Mrs Evans: Colin, whose T-shirt is this?Is it yours or Carol`s?Colin: It`s not mine, it`s Carol`s.Mrs Evans:

Слайд 28Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
Example: This

is my pen. Where`s yours?
a) Is this your cap?

No, it isn`t. _________ is in my bag.

Is this my jacket?
Yes, it`s _________.

Are these Colin`s trainers?
Yes, they are ________.

Are these Omar`s jeans?
No, they are not ______. They`re _______.

Is this Carol`s blouse?
No, it isn`t _________ .

Is this _________ blouse?
Yes, it`s ______________ .

What`s _________ name?
______ name`s Ben. And what`s _____name?
______ name`s Asel.
Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Example: This is my pen. Where`s yours?a)

Слайд 29Зат есімнің көптік жалғауы.

Зат есімнің көптік жалғауы.

Слайд 30 7.Giving homework.

So ,your homework for the

next lesson are:

a) Write down new words into

your copy-book and learn

b) Ex:4 p: 59

7.Giving homework.  So ,your homework for the next lesson are:  a) Write down

Слайд 31Thank you for your attention!!!

Thank you for your attention!!!

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