Разделы презентаций

What Would You Like to Invent?

Time machine.We invented the time machine in 2016. To use the machine you need to go into the box.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1What Would You Like to Invent? By andrey, Sorbon, sergey, maksim.

What Would You Like to Invent?    By andrey, Sorbon, sergey, maksim.Project.

Слайд 2Time machine.
We invented the time machine in 2016. To use the

machine you need to go into the box.

Time machine.We invented the time machine in 2016. To use the machine you need to go into

Слайд 3Time machine.
Then write the date and press the button. And you

find yourself in that year.

Time machine.Then write the date and press the button. And you find yourself in that year.

Слайд 4Time machine.
To return to do the same.
Sometimes you can get

into the system because of a failure a different date.

Time machine.To return to do the same.Sometimes you can get into the system because of a failure

Слайд 5Time machine.
But usually it works well.
If this happens you fly


Time machine.But usually it works well.If this happens you fly back.

Слайд 6Time machine.
You can see the dinosaurs.
The main thing to keep

the rules teleport.

Time machine.You can see the dinosaurs.The main thing to keep the rules teleport.

Слайд 7The advantages "Time machine" :
The first advantage of a "Time

machine": you can see the future.

The advantages

Слайд 8The advantages "Time machine"
Second: you can be in the past

and to correct errors.

The advantages

Слайд 9The advantages "Time machine"
Third: you can unravel the mysteries of

the world.

The advantages

Слайд 10Deficiencies "time machine" :
The first drawback of a "Time machine":

expensive materials for their production.


Слайд 11Deficiencies "time machine" :
Second: heavy use, and need specialists.


Слайд 12Deficiencies "time machine" :
Third: if the machine breaks down it

will be difficult to repair.


Слайд 13 Advertising

The time machine. This

invention makes it possible to travel through time. Machine is made of a complex mechanism and the box. Height: 2 meters
Width: 3 meters
Weighs: 700 kg

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