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Ancient Greece


WhereWhat continent is Greece located?

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Слайд 1Ancient Greece
A Focus on Ancient Government

Ancient GreeceA Focus on Ancient Government

Слайд 2Where
What continent is Greece located?

WhereWhat continent is Greece located?

Слайд 3City-States
Many settlements were separated from one another….why?

Each city had its

own army, money, and government.

For these reasons these ancient Greek

cities became known as city-states
City-StatesMany settlements were separated from one another….why?Each city had its own army, money, and government.For these reasons

Слайд 4What types of government were tried in Ancient Greece?

What types of government were tried in Ancient Greece?

Слайд 5Government in Athens
Athens tried different types of government




Government in AthensAthens tried different types of governmentMonarchy:Oligarchy:Tyranny:Democracy:

Слайд 6Monarchy
At first, Kings were chosen by the people
Kings had many

They made laws and acted as judges
They conducted religious ceremonies

led the army in wars
Kings had councils of aristocrats to advise them.
At first: no real power
helped in time of war
Over time realized that as a group, they had more power than the king
MonarchyAt first, Kings were chosen by the peopleKings had many powersThey made laws and acted as judgesThey

Слайд 7What is an aristocrat?

What is an aristocrat?

Слайд 8Aristocrats
Group of rich landowners
Ran the economy
served as generals and

Advised the King

AristocratsGroup of rich landownersRan the economy served as generals and judgesAdvised the King

Слайд 9Draco
In 600s BC appointed to create laws.
They were harsh
Loitering was

punishable by death

Today very harsh laws or rules are called


DracoIn 600s BC appointed to create laws.They were harshLoitering was punishable by deathToday very harsh laws or

Слайд 10Solon
590s BC he created laws that gave more rights to

common people
All free men became citizens-

Solon590s BC he created laws that gave more rights to common peopleAll free men became citizens-

Слайд 11What is a tyrant?

What is a tyrant?

Слайд 12Peisistratus (py-sys-truht-uhs)
Was called a tyrant
Had a strong army and support

of the people
Brought peace and prosperity to the city
Made many

improvements to Athens
Peisistratus (py-sys-truht-uhs)546BCWas called a tyrantHad a strong army and support of the peopleBrought peace and prosperity to

Слайд 13The Athenians Celebrating the Return of Pisistratus

The Athenians Celebrating the  Return of Pisistratus

Слайд 14What is democracy?
What are the two types of democracy?

What is democracy?What are the two types of democracy?

Слайд 15Democracy
Greece is the birthplace of democracy
Democracy=rule of the people
Direct and

representative democracy

DemocracyGreece is the birthplace of democracyDemocracy=rule of the peopleDirect and representative democracy

Слайд 16Cleisthenes (klys-thuh-neez)
500 BC
The father of democracy
Comes from a powerful family

not want aristocrats to run the government
Established a democracy

Cleisthenes (klys-thuh-neez)500 BCThe father of democracyComes from a powerful familyDid not want aristocrats to run the governmentEstablished

Слайд 17Democracy under Cleisthenes
All citizens had the right to participate in

the assembly
Assembly was held outside so everyone could attend
Every citizen

had the right to speak his opinion through speeches and debates
Voting was done by show of hands or by secret ballots
Democracy under CleisthenesAll citizens had the right to participate in the assemblyAssembly was held outside so everyone

Слайд 19
For major decisions the assembly needed about 6,000 people

to vote
According to a Greek writer the government sent slaves

to the markets to round up more citizens
Select citizens served on a council to decide which laws should be discussed
For major decisions the assembly needed about 6,000 people to voteAccording to a Greek writer the

Слайд 21Athenian Democracy
Citizens gained more power
Athenian democracy reached its height under

Pericles (in 460-429 BC)
It was a direct democracy

Athenian DemocracyCitizens gained more powerAthenian democracy reached its height under Pericles (in 460-429 BC)It was a direct

Слайд 22Who was Pericles?
What was democracy like when he was the


Who was Pericles?What was democracy like when he was the ruler?

Слайд 23Pericles
Encouraged Athenians to take pride in their city
Encouraged people to

participate in government by paying those who served in public

offices or on juries
Encouraged the spread of democracy
PericlesEncouraged Athenians to take pride in their cityEncouraged people to participate in government by paying those who

Слайд 25End of democracy in Athens
Athens was conquered by the Macedonians

and fell under their influence- democracy changed, less power was

given to the people
A new king took over (320s BC) and ended democracy
End of democracy in AthensAthens was conquered by the Macedonians and fell under their influence- democracy changed,

Слайд 26
What kind of democracy did Athens have?

What kind of

government does the
United States of America have?

What kind of democracy did Athens have?What kind of government does the United States of America

Слайд 27

How is our government different from the government of

Ancient Athens?

How is our government different from the government of Ancient Athens?

Слайд 28Acropolis

Acropolis http://www.history.com/topics/classical-greece/videos#deconstructing-history-the-acropolis

Слайд 34Greek Influences

Greek Influences

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