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Drug addiction as a medical social problem

introductionDrug addiction is a chronic disease affecting the brainThe drugs affect different people in different ways.One person can take and abuse drugs, but never be addicted while another has experience and

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Drug addiction as a medical social problem
Anastasiya Dovhal

Drug addiction as a medical social problemAnastasiya Dovhal LA2-CO-161A

Слайд 2introduction
Drug addiction is a chronic disease affecting the brain
The drugs

affect different people in different ways.
One person can take and

abuse drugs, but never be addicted while another has experience and gets immediately hooked
introductionDrug addiction is a chronic disease affecting the brainThe drugs affect different people in different ways.One person

Слайд 4The drugs affect many aspects of a person:

-their health
-their family

-their relationships with friends and community

The drugs affect many aspects of a person: -their health-their family-their career-their relationships with friends and community

Слайд 5What is addiction?
Addiction is not limited to drugs and alcohol.

It can also be like food, gambling, and shopping that

gets in the way of a healthy lifestyle.
Their bad habit becomes compulsive, regardless of consequences
When the person is no longer in charge of their life, regardless of triggering mechanism, they are addicted.
What is addiction?Addiction is not limited to drugs and alcohol. It can also be like food, gambling,

Слайд 6What causes Drug addiction?
There are some factors to consider: like

genetic component.
If there is a genetic predisposition in the family

to become addicted to something, the chances are great to have the same predisposition.
Another factor is personality that can trigger to become addicted.
Peer pressure can cause a person to try drugs and continue.
As well as become addicted to medical drugs if starting to take more and more.
What causes Drug addiction?There are some factors to consider: like genetic component.If there is a genetic predisposition

Слайд 7Stages of drug addiction
Stage 1:
-learning to trust or mistrust

the drugs
-to get a “high” feeling

Stage 2:
-user starts to

think more about drugs
-user uses when alone
-user still thinks they have control
Stages of drug addictionStage 1: -curiosity-learning to trust or mistrust the drugs-to get a “high” feelingStage 2:

Слайд 8Stage 3
-Seeks out the “high”
-has confidence in using drugs
- user

think the drug wont hurt them
-peer group uses

Stage 3-Seeks out the “high”-has confidence in using drugs- user think the drug wont hurt them-peer group

Слайд 9Stage 4
-can no longer get “high”
-user uses the drug to

avoid being sick
-drugs become the center of their life

Stage 4-can no longer get “high”-user uses the drug to avoid being sick-drugs become the center of

Слайд 10Side effects of the drugs
-loss of appetite
-elevated blood pressure
-chest pain

irregular heartbeat
-difficulty urinating
-changes in body temperature

Side effects of the drugs-loss of appetite-headaches-anxiety-elevated blood pressure-chest pain- irregular heartbeat-difficulty urinating-changes in body temperature

Слайд 12Consequences of drugs
-drugs are chemicals so because of this, they

can affect the body in different ways.
-some drugs can change

the person’s body and brain, that can last permanently even with stopping the drug use
-deaths and illnesses and disabilities occur with drug use.

Consequences of drugs-drugs are chemicals so because of this, they can affect the body in different ways.-some

Слайд 13Health problems
Weaken the immune system that causes increase in infections

cardiovascular conditions- abnormal heart rate and heart attacks
Causes nausea, vomiting,

and abdominal pain
Causes liver to overwork
Causes seizures, stroke and widespread brain damage
Affect the brain – causes overwork of dopamine to flow to the system

Health problemsWeaken the immune system that causes increase in infectionsCauses cardiovascular conditions- abnormal heart rate and heart

Слайд 14Behavioral issues
-loss of self control

Behavioral issues -paranoia -Aggressiveness-hallucinations-addiction-impulsiveness-loss of self control

Слайд 16Thank you

Thank you

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