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Future simple -WILL

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Слайд 2Future simple -WILL

Future simple -WILL

Слайд 4WILL


Слайд 5WILL
A decision at the moment of speaking: Julie: There's no milk. John:

Really? In that case, I'll go and get some.

A prediction

based on opinion: I think the Conservatives will win the next election

A future fact: The sun will rise at 7am

For promises / requests / refusals / offers: I'll help you tomorrow, if you like.
Will you give me a hand? I will give up smoking!
WILLA decision at the moment of speaking: Julie: There's no milk. John: Really? In that case, I'll

Слайд 6Be+going to

Be+going to

Слайд 7Be+going to

Be+going to

Слайд 8Be+going to

Be+going to

Слайд 9Be+going to
Planned action in the future:
Next year she is going

to study english.
A prediction based on something we can see

(or hear) now. Look at those boys playing football! They're going to break the window.
Be+going toPlanned action in the future:Next year she is going to study english. A prediction based on

Слайд 10Present continuos
definite future arrangements (with a future time word). In

this case we have already made a plan and we

are pretty sure that the event will happen in the future.
I'm meeting my father tomorrow.
We're going to the beach at the weekend.
I'm leaving at three.
They're coming to the party at the weekend.

Present continuosdefinite future arrangements (with a future time word). In this case we have already made a

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