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How to Position a Brand

Vocabulary Approach - подход; попытка вступить в переговоры; метод; способ;Appropriate - присваивать; выделять; предназначать; прибрать к рукамBlurry- неясный; туманный; расплывчатый;Engage - заниматься (чем-либо); участвовать; принимать на работу; Distinguishable - различимый; отличимый;

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1How to Position a Brand
Lazar Alexandra

How to Position  a BrandLazar Alexandra

Слайд 2Vocabulary
Approach - подход; попытка вступить в переговоры; метод; способ;
Appropriate -

присваивать; выделять; предназначать; прибрать к рукам
Blurry- неясный; туманный; расплывчатый;
Engage -

заниматься (чем-либо); участвовать; принимать на работу;
Distinguishable - различимый; отличимый; заметный
Disparition - несоответствие
Dorsal gluteal muscle - большая ягодичная мышца
Emphasis- акцент; подчёркивание; выразительность;
Gastrocnemius muscle – икроножные мышцы
Hamstring muscles - мышцы задней поверхности бедра
Irrelevant - несоответствующий; неприменимый; неуместный;
Simultaneously -одновременно; синхронно; совместно;
Quantifiable - поддающийся количественному определению

Vocabulary Approach - подход; попытка вступить в переговоры; метод; способ;Appropriate - присваивать; выделять; предназначать; прибрать к рукамBlurry-

Слайд 4How to position brand, product, or company might be the

most important aspect of a marketing communications plan.

Brand positioning

can be expressed in many ways, from a simple slogan to an entire campaign.

How to position

How to position brand, product, or company might be the most important aspect of a marketing communications

Слайд 5The position of a brand is its location in the

consumer’s mind in relation to other products in the category.

The position of a brand based on:

differentiating the brand from competing brands;
creating a brand personality;
combining brand perceptions.

The position of a brand is its location in the consumer’s mind in relation to other products

Слайд 6Must avoid
Look different, such as using complementary colours

or differently shaped packaging.
Using the same style of advertising as

their competitors, a similar concepts etc, because consumers would not be able to remember which one was which.

Differentiating the brand

Must avoid Should Look different, such as using complementary colours or differently shaped packaging.Using the same style

Слайд 7There must be an interesting brand personality
should be appropriate

to the audience
be able to engage them on an

emotional level.

Emotional engagement creates consumer loyalty.

A distinct personality
can also help to differentiate
the brand from a competing

Creating a brand personality

There must be an interesting brand personality should be appropriate to the audience be able to engage

Слайд 8Combining brand perceptions
Luxury High quality Expensive
damage of the

brand perceptions

Combining brand perceptionsLuxury  High quality  Expensivedamage of the brand perceptions

Слайд 9When all conditions are complied and performed and are combined

into a clear and distinguishable idea, brand will have a

success and right position in the mind of the consumer.
When all conditions are complied and performed and are combined into a clear and distinguishable idea, brand

Слайд 10A product can be positioned based on 2 main platforms:

The Competitor

It’s base

on competition. The campaigns are targeted towards competing with other players in the market.

The Consumer

The campaigns and messages are always targeted to the consumer

A product can be positioned based on 2 main platforms:

Слайд 11Positioning errors
Under positioning- This is a scenario in which customers

have a blurred and unclear idea about the brand.
Over positioning-

The customers have too limited awareness of the brand.
Confused positioning- The customers have a confused opinion of the brand.
Double Positioning- The customers do not accept the claims of a brand.

Positioning errorsUnder positioning- This is a scenario in which customers have a blurred and unclear idea about

Слайд 12Error - Confused positioning

Error - Confused positioning

Слайд 13Positioning by
product attributes
and benefits

cultural symbols

product class
Positioning by
use or


product user

7 main

Positioning by product attributes and benefits Positioning by cultural symbolsPositioning by competitorPositioning by product classPositioning by price\qualityPositioning

Слайд 14Reebok Easytone

Reebok Easytone

Слайд 15Easytone 2009

Easytone 2009

Слайд 16Easytone 2012

Easytone 2012

Слайд 17The sources




The sourceshttp://greatideaz.wordpress.com/2011/03/22/how-to-position-a-brand/http://www.brandchannel.com/education_glossary.asphttp://www.managementstudyguide.com/brand-positioning.htmwww.reebok.com/

Слайд 18Thanks for your attention

Thanks for your attention

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