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Name of discipline : Transmission systems of access networks ( TSAN) Lecturer -


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Слайд 1Name of discipline: Transmission systems of access networks (TSAN) Lecturer -

Oreshkov Vasiliy Ivanovich

Name of discipline: Transmission systems of access networks  (TSAN)   Lecturer - Oreshkov Vasiliy Ivanovich

Lecture 2


Слайд 3The classification of AN can be done by the following

- by the type of used guiding medium ;
- by

the number of used for the connection wires pairs ;
- by way of linking - simplex, half duplex, duplex;
- by type of traffic - symmetric and asymmetric.

last lecture we have considered:

The classification of AN can be done by the following features:- by the type of used guiding

Слайд 4Classification by GM type
Guiding medium for AN can be:

paired or quartile (star) twist symmetrical cable (SC);
- a wires

pair of broadcasting network;
- a wires pair for power network;
- coaxial cable (CC);
- optical fiber (OF) of optical cable (OC);
- radio channel (requires a license for the radio frequency);
- atmospheric optical channel (does not require licensing).

last lecture we have considered:

Classification by GM type Guiding medium for AN can be:- paired or quartile (star) twist symmetrical cable

Слайд 5Fig. 2.1 shows the classification of AN by type of

used wired network of AS and the number of wires

pairs (optical fibers).

shared access networks

and now

Fig. 2.1 - Access technologies classification

Fig. 2.1 shows the classification of AN by type of used wired network of AS and the

Слайд 6Notes to Fig. 2.1:
1. In PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network)

cables with twisted pair conductors type TПП with the number

of pairs from 10 to 2400 are used, but for the organization of one DSL a single pair is used (regenerators are not used);
2. In the ISDN standard - Integrated Services Digital Network two pairs of conductors is required;
3. In xDSL technology - Digital Subscriber Line / Loop one or two pairs of conductors (rarely – three) are more commonly used;
Notes to Fig. 2.1:1. In PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) cables with twisted pair conductors type TПП

Слайд 74. LAN - Local Area Network may be constructed on

the basis of the special symmetrical HF cable type "twisted

pair", coaxial cable or optical fibers (depending on the transmission rate and standard of LAN);
5. In systems of cable TV (CATV) CC is traditionally used. Large systems CATV in big cities are built on a hybrid "fiber-coaxial technology." In future systems CATV OF will come into the room the user;
4. LAN - Local Area Network may be constructed on the basis of the special symmetrical HF

Слайд 86. In fiber optic networks optical fiber is used;
7. To

shared access networks except the PSTN refer radio broadcasting network

(now it is an anachronism) and power network (perspective technology).

Let’s discuss these technologies!

6. In fiber optic networks optical fiber is used;7. To shared access networks except the PSTN refer

Слайд 9Narrowband access using the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) 

Here, as

the equipment located at the customer premises, telephones, fax machines,

modems, VB channels in the frequency band 0.3 ... 3.4 kHz are used.
The maximum speed of information transmission in the forward direction (switching station -user) for enterprise and Internet users is 56.7 kbit / s.
Narrowband access using the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) Here, as the equipment located at the customer premises,

Слайд 10 However, users can use either the telephone or modem

- simultaneous operation is not possible.
Lines operate in an asymmetric

mode, the transmission rate in the reverse direction (user- switching station) is 38.6 kbit/s.

Fig. 2.2 – Block diagram of the subscriber access to the PSTN

However, users can use either the telephone or modem - simultaneous operation is not possible.Lines operate

Слайд 11ISDN Access Technologies
With such a standard two pairs of

conductors are used, so they are not widely used in

the PSTN networks.
In the technology of ISDN basic access with speed 144 kbit / s is available on channel 2B+D: two major digital channels 2x64 kbit/s, one service channel 16 kbit/s. Primary access is provided at a speed of 2.048 Mbit / s (E1) and broadband (B-ISDN) access is provided at a speed of 155 Mbit / s (STM-1).
ISDN Access Technologies  With such a standard two pairs of conductors are used, so they are not

Слайд 12Fig. 2.3 – Block diagram of the subscriber access to

the ISDN

Fig. 2.3 – Block diagram of the subscriber access to the ISDNDigitalLocalExchange

Слайд 13Broadband access technologies xDSL
Simplex, half-duplex and full-duplex transmission of xDSL

technologies are also different in way of separation of transmitted

signals in different directions.
The simple solution - data transmission in forward and reverse directions by different pairs (space division multiplexing), ie for each of two pairs transfer is made in only one direction. Thus the name- Simplex(U - unidirectional DSL).
Broadband access technologies xDSL Simplex, half-duplex and full-duplex transmission of xDSL technologies are also different in way of

Слайд 14The majority of xDSL technology is a duplex, ie, transmission

takes place in one pair in the forward and reverse

directions, wherein the separation is carried out by echo cancellation and / or frequency division (FDM).
During half-duplex transmission occurs in both directions also in one pair, but at different times. Depending on the time required for transmission in both directions is possible to separate at a constant and a variable time grid. The main representatives are the VDSL (Very high DSL) and EtherLoop, Fig. 2.4.
The majority of xDSL technology is a duplex, ie, transmission takes place in one pair in the

Слайд 15Fig. 2.4 – Part of the xDSL "family tree” of

division by means and the direction of transmission: EPT- Electric

power transmission

Fig. 2.4 – Part of the xDSL

Слайд 16Classification by transmission rate in forward and reverse directions
Duplex xDSL

technology can be divided by the ratio of transmission speeds

in forward and reverse directions. If the transmission rate in both directions is the same, then we speak about symmetric technologies SDSL - Symmetric DSL.
In asymmetric technology (Asymmetric DSL) transmission speed in the forward direction is higher than in the reverse. In the particular case ADSL can work in a symmetrical mode.
Classification by transmission rate in forward and reverse directions Duplex xDSL technology can be divided by the ratio

Слайд 17Symmetric Technology - SDSL (Symmetric DSL)
Symmetric xDSL technology is used

by enterprise users and differs in the number of pairs

of conductors.
HDSL (High bit rate DSL) - one of the most important representatives of symmetric xDSL technologies - is used for transmission of one, two, or three pairs. Part of the "family tree" for symmetric xDSL technology is shown in Fig. 2.5.
Symmetric Technology - SDSL (Symmetric DSL) Symmetric xDSL technology is used by enterprise users and differs in the

Слайд 18Fig 2.5 – Symmetric DSL technologies
ANSI – American National

Standard Institute;
ETSI – European Telecommunications Standards Institute

Fig 2.5 – Symmetric DSL technologies ANSI – American National Standard Institute;ETSI – European Telecommunications Standards Institute

Слайд 19Asymmetric technologies - ADSL (Asymmetric DSL)
If the initial development of

the symmetric xDSL technology was mainly focused on the needs

of the business sector, the asymmetric xDSL-technology designed for the private sector.
This approach identifies a noticeable difference in the requirements for them.
In the private sector it was necessary that an existing telephone service (PSTN or BRI-ISDN) continued to work during the transition to ADSL.
Asymmetric technologies - ADSL (Asymmetric DSL) If the initial development of the symmetric xDSL technology was mainly focused

Слайд 20In other words, in addition to telephone services was necessary

to provide data transfer. In order to separate voice and

data signals splitter frequency filters, called splitters are introduced. Fig. 2.6 is a diagram of the network construction with using of asymmetric xDSL technologies
In other words, in addition to telephone services was necessary to provide data transfer. In order to

Слайд 21Fig.2.6 – Asymmetric xDSL technology for the PSTN:
QAM - quadrature

amplitude modulation; CAP - Carrierless Amplitude and Phase Modulation; DMT

- Discrete Multitone Technology, Discrete Multi-Tone
Fig.2.6 – Asymmetric xDSL technology for the PSTN:QAM - quadrature amplitude modulation; CAP - Carrierless Amplitude and

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