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Nature pollution

The most important problems in this field are: the environmental pollution, ozone layer depletion, diminishing water resources.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Nature pollution
Работу выполнили: Буторина, Евстафьева, Зянкин, Пестерев.

Nature pollutionРаботу выполнили: Буторина, Евстафьева, Зянкин, Пестерев.

Слайд 2The most important problems in this field are: the environmental

pollution, ozone layer depletion, diminishing water resources.

The most important problems in this field are: the environmental pollution, ozone layer depletion, diminishing water resources.

Слайд 3The environmental pollution is called for the numerous industrial, chemical

enterprises, which do not refine their wastes and in emergency

cases have no sewage purification, the result of which is the pollution of reservoirs and water basins.
The environmental pollution is called for the numerous industrial, chemical enterprises, which do not refine their wastes

Слайд 5Rubbish tips, dumped poisonous chemicals, broken cars, thrown away bottles

and dropped sweet papers are types of land pollution. Poisoned

soil can make animals and people very ill.
Rubbish tips, dumped poisonous chemicals, broken cars, thrown away bottles and dropped sweet papers are types of

Слайд 6
The problem of ozone depletion is also of great importance

for the people. For example, global warming is a consequence

of the destruction of the ozone layer.
The problem of ozone depletion is also of great importance for the people. For example, global warming

Слайд 7One of the sources of environmental pollution is automobile transport.

The internal combustion engines which work on oil fuel exhaust

a lot of harmful gases. The most important problems for protection of nature are the nuclear power stations.
One of the sources of environmental pollution is automobile transport. The internal combustion engines which work on

Слайд 8There are many consequences of damaging the environment: acid rain,

water shortage resulting from abuse of arable lands in agriculture,

damage to wild-life. Vast forests are cut and burnt in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As result a number of rivers and lakes dry up.
There are many consequences of damaging the environment: acid rain, water shortage resulting from abuse of arable

Слайд 10The discharge of dust and gas into the atmosphere returns

to the Earth in the from «acid rains» and affects

crop, the quality of forests, the amount of fish. To this can be added the rise of chemicals, radioactivity, noisy and other types of pollution
The discharge of dust and gas into the atmosphere returns to the Earth in the from «acid

Слайд 11 Our duty is to help to prevent it!!!

Our duty is to help to prevent it!!!

Слайд 12
Thanks for attention)

Thanks for attention)

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