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Perm----My Indelible Memory


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Слайд 1Perm----My Indelible Memory
Made by Suzen

Perm----My Indelible MemoryMade by Suzen

Слайд 2五个月的生活概况


Слайд 7We visited the villages,came across some parks where is the

heaven of the pigeons,went to a famous Ice cave.We found

that the inside of the ice cave is much warmer than the ouside!
We visited the villages,came across some parks where is the heaven of the pigeons,went to a famous

Слайд 8Bitter Cold CANNOT conquer us!
The lowest temperature can be -38℃

and we felt like -45℃.A girl of us did a

test that a glass of water could be frozen within 8 minutes!However,we still walked out every day and never forgot to buy an Ice-scream.Because it is so delicious and cheap!
Bitter Cold CANNOT conquer us!The lowest temperature can be -38℃ and we felt like -45℃.A girl of

Слайд 9During New Year,we went to Ekaterinburg.We visited The Church of

the Savior on the Spilled Blood,a mansion Eurasian boundary.
We met

with a Russian guy who could speak Chinese fluently,almost no accent!Another miraculous thing is that flocks of ducks were swimming in half-frozen rivers!
During New Year,we went to Ekaterinburg.We visited The Church of the Savior on the Spilled Blood,a mansion

Слайд 10In tha last two weeks,I felt so sad because i

didn't want to leave Perm in which was filled with

my wonderful memories.In day times,I dated different friends,because i made a lot of friends there and wanted to say goodbye to them face to face.They are all nice friends,I really miss them...
In tha last two weeks,I felt so sad because i didn't want to leave Perm in which

Слайд 12Thank You For Your Attentions!

Thank You For Your Attentions!

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