Разделы презентаций


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Sami_lahiji@yahoo.com


Слайд 2He is a farmer.
He helps us keep fed.

He is a farmer.He helps us keep fed.

Слайд 3He is a firefighter.
He helps us keep safe.

He is a firefighter.He helps us keep safe.

Слайд 4He is a gardener.

He is a gardener.

Слайд 5He is a barber.
He cuts hair.
He is a hairdresser.

He is a barber.He cuts hair.He is a hairdresser.

Слайд 6He is a mail carrier.
He brings the mail.

He is a mail carrier.He brings the mail.

Слайд 7He is a musician.
He makes music and plays musical instruments.

He is a musician.He makes music and plays musical instruments.

Слайд 8She is a secretary.
She types letters.

She is a secretary.She types letters.

Слайд 9She is a tailor.
She sews beautiful costumes for people to


She is a tailor.She sews beautiful costumes for people to wear.

Слайд 10She is a waitress.
They serve food.
He is a waiter.

She is a waitress. They serve food.He is a waiter.

Слайд 11Construction Workers

Construction WorkersSamieh.lahiji@gmail.com

Слайд 12He is a carpenter.
He builds things out of wood.

He is a carpenter.He builds things out of wood.

Слайд 13He is an architect.
He designs buildings.

He is an architect.He designs buildings.

Слайд 14He is an electrician.
He puts in electricity for lights, heat,

and TV sets.

He is an electrician.He puts in electricity for lights, heat, and TV sets.

Слайд 15Health Workers

Health WorkersSamieh.lahiji@gmail.com

Слайд 16He is a doctor.
He helps sick people get well.

He is a doctor.He helps sick people get well.

Слайд 17He is a dentist.
He fixes our teeth.

He is a dentist.He fixes our teeth.

Слайд 18She is a nurse.
She gives shots.

She is a nurse. She gives shots.

Слайд 19He is a vet.
He helps sick animals.

He is a vet. He helps sick animals.

Слайд 20Information Workers

Information WorkersSamieh.lahiji@gmail.com

Слайд 21She is a teacher.
She helps us learn math, English,


She is a teacher. She helps us learn math, English, science.

Слайд 22She is a journalist.
She writes stories for newspapers.

She is a journalist. She writes stories for newspapers.

Слайд 23He is a computer programmer.
He helps us get information


He is a computer programmer. He helps us get information fast.

Слайд 24Thank you 

Thank you 

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