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'Self Control' by Bebe Rexha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35J1ajlqvlI

You are going to listen to a song called Self-Control, What words/phrases do you expect to hear?

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Слайд 1 

'Self Control' by Bebe Rexha

 'Self Control' by Bebe Rexhahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35J1ajlqvlI  

Слайд 2You are going to listen to a song called Self-Control,

What words/phrases do you expect to hear?

You are going to listen to a song called Self-Control, What words/phrases do you expect to hear?

Слайд 3The first line is “Got no self-control”.

Which words come

to mind now?

The first line is “Got no self-control”. Which words come to mind now?

Слайд 4
cigarettes and alcohol
no willpower
one can turn into 1000

I'm gone
I’m lost

tried to quit
I'm giving up
I'm craving
I’m addicted to
I can't

say no
I want it all
I lose control

1) Did you come up with any of these when you were guessing the words?
2) Most of the following words are related to addictions in some way. Can you explain how?

cigarettes and alcoholgamblingno willpowerone can turn into 1000pitifulpredictableillogicalI'm goneI’m lostI tried to quitI'm giving upI'm craving I’m

Слайд 5
cigarettes and alcohol
no willpower
one can turn into 1000

I'm gone
I’m lost

tried to quit
I'm giving up
I'm craving
I’m addicted to
I can't

say no
I want it all
I lose control

Which word/phrase means:
making people feel sympathy/pity
the ability to control your own thoughts and behavior
happening or behaving in a way that you expect
Transform into
Want very much
Stop doing something/behaving in a particular way
unable to stop doing something as a habit (e.g. taking drugs)
To be out / to run away / to die / to be lost / to disappear
Playing games like poker, roulette, making bets on horses/sports

cigarettes and alcoholgamblingno willpowerone can turn into 1000pitifulpredictableillogicalI'm goneI’m lostI tried to quitI'm giving upI'm craving I’m

Слайд 6
cigarettes and alcohol
no willpower
one can turn

into 1000

I'm gone
I’m lost
I tried to quit

giving up
I'm craving
I’m addicted to
I can't say no
I want it all
I lose control

Listen to a song. Tick the words you hear.

cigarettes and alcohol gambling no willpower one can turn into 1000 pitiful predictable illogicalI'm goneI’m lostI

Слайд 7There were 4 extra words/phrases that were not in the

no willpower,
I’m lost,
I’m addicted to;

What’s the

singer (the character from the song) addicted to?

There were 4 extra words/phrases that were not in the song: gambling, no willpower, I’m lost, I’m

Слайд 8These are some quotes from the song
when it comes to

you I can't say no
When I get your call, I'm

out the door, not a minute more
One little touch and I'm gone
I'm craving you

Is this love she is singing about? Or it this an obsession/an addiction?

These are some quotes from the songwhen it comes to you I can't say noWhen I get

Слайд 9Speaking. Addictions
Have you got self-control or do you lose control

when it comes to
fast food / chips (Am) =crisps (Br)

popping bubble wrap
smoking at parties
playing PC games
social networks
checking your Instagram

Speaking. AddictionsHave you got self-control or do you lose control when it comes toChocolatecoffeefast food / chips

Слайд 10Are there any other things you crave/can’t give up?
Do you

know any people whose passion turned into obsession/addiction?
Do you know

any people who managed to quit/give up smoking or gambling? What helped them to kick the habit?
 Are addictions illogical or predictable?
 Do you think children should be tested for potential addictions?
Do you find addicts pitiful?

Are there any other things you crave/can’t give up?Do you know any people whose passion turned into

Слайд 11revision

Which word/phrase means:
making people feel sympathy/pity
the ability to control your own thoughts and behavior
happening or behaving in a way that you expect
Transform into
Want very much
Stop doing something/behaving in a particular way
unable to stop doing something as a habit (e.g. taking drugs)
To be out / to run away / to die / to be lost / to disappear
Playing games like poker, roulette, making bets on horses/sports


Слайд 12'Self Control' by Bebe Rexha
Got no self-control And I don't

mean cigarettes and alcohol 'Cause when it comes to you

can't say no I don't wanna taste, I want it all
When I get your call I'm out the door, not a minute more Like an animal I lose control, it's illogical Oh, oh
One little kiss can turn into a thousand One little touch and I'm gone
chorus x2

I'm so predictable Fall every time, ain't it pitiful And it's not enough I tried to quit But I'm giving up
One little kiss can turn into a thousand One little touch and I'm gone
chorus x2
And the hunger grows I'm craving you and my body knows 'Cause it wakes me up Heart through my chest, it's gotta be love
One little kiss can turn into a thousand One little touch and I'm gone
chorus x2

'Self Control' by Bebe Rexhahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35J1ajlqvlI  chorus:Got no self-control And I don't mean cigarettes and alcohol 'Cause when

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