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the 16th lesson Halloween (kid`s box3


How are you today?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2How are you today?

How are you today?

Слайд 7In our world we have good and evil.

In our world we have good and evil.

Слайд 8Evil is always fighting with good.

Evil is always fighting with good.

Слайд 9People believed that one autumn night
evil could appear on

the Earth!

People believed that one autumn night evil could appear on the Earth!

Слайд 10They called that night Halloween!

They called that night Halloween!

Слайд 11Halloween photo album to remember
the time you were kids.
(If you

have any photos.
If not, take some photos with the

students in costumes
for the next year!)
Halloween photo album to rememberthe time you were kids.(If you have any photos. If not, take some

Слайд 12One more chance to win for teams!
The names of the

teams are on the board.
Just tick the winners in each

The winning team will get 4 clubs whereas
The losers will get only 2 clubs!

Ghosts and Black cats

Halloween teams

One more chance to win for teams!The names of the teams are on the board.Just tick the

Слайд 13Story
and quiz

Storyand quiz

Слайд 14We can take some horrendous photos
to scary all kinds

of evil!
In the teachers’ room on the bench!

We can take some horrendous photos to scary all kinds of evil! In the teachers’ room on

Слайд 15Trick or treat,
smell my feet,
give me something
good to eat!

Trick or treat,smell my feet,give me somethinggood to eat!RHYMES1/6

Слайд 16Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something nice to

If you don't, we don't care,
We'll put money in your




Trick or treat, trick or treat,Give us something nice to eat.If you don't, we don't care,We'll put

Слайд 17Trick or treat,
smell my feet,
give me something
good to eat!

Trick or treat,smell my feet,give me somethinggood to eat!

Слайд 19Presentation: Halloween- Find Jack-o'lantern

Presentation: Halloween- Find Jack-o'lantern

Слайд 20One more Halloween tradition:
watching scary movies…

One more Halloween tradition:watching scary movies…

Слайд 21Presentation: Halloween-hangman-lexis

Presentation: Halloween-hangman-lexis

Слайд 22This Halloween tradition is so funny:
Halloween pranks

This Halloween tradition is so funny:Halloween pranks

Слайд 23What is missing?

What is missing?

Слайд 24Halloween Glass giant

Halloween Glass giant

Слайд 25What is next?
Match the words!
Make a puzzle!

What is next?Match the words!Make a puzzle!

Слайд 26Halloween dance
For video camera!

Halloween danceFor video camera!

Слайд 27Must
(должен,решил сам или тебе приказывают)
Present Simple:
(+) You must_work hard.
(?) Must

we _work hard?
(-) We mustn't_work hard.

Must(должен,решил сам или тебе приказывают) Present Simple: (+) You must_work hard. (?) Must we _work hard?

Слайд 31Presentation: Halloween-lexis-puzzles

Presentation: Halloween-lexis-puzzles

Слайд 32Face the Cookie
Players have to put a cookie on their

forehead and using only their face muscles (no hands!), get

the cookie from their forehead into their mouth.
You can score for your team and eat a cookie!
Face the CookiePlayers have to put a cookie on their forehead and using only their face muscles

Слайд 33Witch’s balloon and a broom-эстафета  Постройте всех в два ряда. Выдайте

стоящим впереди детям по венику и шарику.  Задача - в бодром

темпе забить шарик в коробку, потом передать эстафету товарищу сзади. 

Witch’s feathers -эстафета  Соревнуемся в парах. Выдайте стоящим детям по перу на голову.  Задача - в бодром темпе дойти до противоположной стены и обратно(Или крутиться вокруг себя, пока у одного не упадёт перо), и передать эстафету следующему из твоей команды. 

Witch’s balloon and a broom-эстафета   Постройте всех в два ряда. Выдайте стоящим впереди детям по венику

Слайд 34riddles


Слайд 35Presentation: Halloween-riddles-lexis

Presentation: Halloween-riddles-lexis

Слайд 36Monster Freeze Dance

One student is going out. Then comes in.

The others are dancing to the music
then freeze when

it turns off.
The student is trying to guess who they are dancing.
He has two trials!
He needs to score for his team!
Monster Freeze DanceOne student is going out. Then comes in. The others are dancing to the music

Слайд 37Halloween killing instincts
Oh, I love it! This activity is just

like hide-and-seek game, but it’s slightly different. Everyone has 3-5

minutes to hide wherever they can. But, first, you should choose one person who will be the “murderer” and who will seek others. Don’t forget to turn off the lights! You can only have a few flashlights. The “murderer” hunts out her/his “victims”, and every time a victim is caught/killed, she/he should let out a bloodcurdling scream and lie down on the floor in the center of a room, created as the cemetery. A person left last is a winner. This activity will be creepier with some scary music on.
Halloween killing instinctsOh, I love it! This activity is just like hide-and-seek game, but it’s slightly different.

Слайд 38Pass the Pumpkin  Children pass the pumpkin to Halloween music while

seated in a circle. When the music stops that child

holding the pumpkin is out and receives a small prize like a sticker. At the end of the game, the last child left receives a bigger prize like a chupa-chups.
Pass the Pumpkin  Children pass the pumpkin to Halloween music while seated in a circle. When the

Слайд 39Describe the picture
Copy 1.Tick what must we do at school?

the sentences:What must we do at school?

Describe the pictureCopy 1.Tick what must we do at school?Make the sentences:What must we do at school?

Слайд 41In the first picture I can see … — На

первой картинке я вижу …
In the second picture I can

see… — На второй картинке я вижу …
In the background … — На заднем плане …
In the foreground … — На переднем плане…
On the left/right…-Слева/справа
In the first picture I can see … — На первой картинке я вижу …In the second

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