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The end of logocentrism in fine art

What is logocentrism and why is it bad

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The end of logocentrism in fine art

The end of logocentrism in fine art

Слайд 2What is logocentrism and why is it bad

What is logocentrism and why is it bad

Слайд 3First thesis
logocentrism is a specific feature of the human mind,

which is the essence and the negative side of rationality.

The basis of rational thinking is the ability to idealize and abstract objects. The mind studies not the reality, but our ideas of ​​them. Logocentrism is the absolutization of this process. It is the belief that this way of studying the world is the only true, and the mind gives us absolutely accurate information.
At the same time, we see that due to the fact, that we are not studying the objects themselves, but our perception of them, We understand that logocetrism is erroneous in its nature. And all our knowledge not absolutely correct. By the way, from the nature of logocentrism follows the dictatorship of the text.
First thesislogocentrism is a specific feature of the human mind, which is the essence and the negative

Слайд 4The prime cause of deliverance of art from logocentrism

The prime cause of deliverance of art from logocentrism

Слайд 5The appearance of the photo breaks the old paradigm. It's

no longer needed to capture moments and phenomena. The photography

is much better - a more reliable and dispassionate source of information than an artist's brush or a sculptor's hand.
The loss of the need to reflect reality allowed art to turn to other sources. In the ode of impressionism lies the desire to reflect not the reality but rather the impression. Another source is the key difference between Impressionism and earlier forms of art.
The appearance of the photo breaks the old paradigm. It's no longer needed to capture moments and

Слайд 6Break with form

Break with form

Слайд 7
Malevich sought to show the possibility of true knowledge and

understanding of the world. Only direct contact with things, only

pure action, only pure perception not distorted by own judgments, can give clean knowledge. And he knows that the reason of limitation in our mind. In art he calls it “form” and he break with it. We calls it reality. In philosophy we calls it logocentrism. Understanding of nature of this problem allowed to overcome it in arts. This is the first time, when human overcome logocentrism.
Malevich sought to show the possibility of true knowledge and understanding of the world. Only direct contact

Слайд 8Avoidance of content and deliverance in art

Avoidance of content and deliverance in art

Слайд 9The surrealists did not create a philosophical system. But their

goals were the same as that of Malevich. They saw

how the mind limits the life of man and sought to overcome it in his art by refusing any meanings as such. any meaning or purpose deprives a person of freedom.
The surrealists did not create a philosophical system. But their goals were the same as that of

Слайд 10Art went a long way. As we have already noted

at the very beginning, the main obstacle on the way

to human freedom is hidden inside it. We see that it overcame the natural limitations of our mind. The essential need of reason in absolute principles and ideas is overcome in art. We do not want to say that this process is over, but today we. have an example of how the liberation of the mind from its metaphysical limitations is possible.
Art went a long way. As we have already noted at the very beginning, the main obstacle

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