Разделы презентаций

The neuron is the anatomical and functional unit of the nervous system, which


Parts of the neuron

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

The neuron is the anatomical and functional unit of

the nervous system, which consists of a nerve cell body,

dendrites, and an axon.

Amount of neurons – 100 billions
A neuron can have about 10000 synapsis.

The Neuron

The neuron is the anatomical and functional unit of the nervous system, which

Слайд 5Parts of the neuron

Parts of the neuron

Слайд 6Dendrites
The dendrites are the part of the neuron that

receive signals from other neurons.

The dendrites of a single neuron

are collectively called a dendritic tree
Dendrites  The dendrites are the part of the neuron that receive signals from other neurons.The dendrites

Слайд 7Dendrites
The dendrites are covered with specialized structures
called dendritic spines

that receive some types of synaptic input

Dendrites  The dendrites are covered with specialized structurescalled dendritic spines that receive some types of synaptic

Слайд 9Axon
The axon is the part of the neuron that

transmits the signal to another neuron.

The axon begins with

a region called the axon hillock

Axons may extend from less than a millimeter to over a meter long

Axon The axon is the part of the neuron that transmits the signal to another neuron. The

Слайд 10Axon
The end of axon is called the axon terminal

terminal is a site where the axon comes in contact

with other neurons and passes information on to them.

Axon usually is covered by myelin sheath
Axon The end of axon is called the axon terminalThe terminal is a site where the axon

Слайд 11The cell body
The cell body is a part of

neuron that contains the nucleus and various organelles

The cell body

is the metabolic and trophic center of the neuron.
The cell body The cell body is a part of neuron that contains the nucleus and various

Слайд 13Classification of neurons
1. Classification Based on the Number of Neurites


Classification of neurons 1. Classification Based on the Number of NeuritesUnipolarBipolarMultipolar

Слайд 14Classification of neurons
2. Classification Based on Axon Length

projection neurons

(pyramidal cells)

local circuit neurons (stellate cells in the cortex)

Classification of neurons2. Classification Based on Axon Length projection neurons (pyramidal cells)local circuit neurons (stellate cells in

Слайд 16Classification of neurons
3. Classification Based on Body Shape


Classification of neurons3. Classification Based on Body ShapepyramidalMultangularcircularoval

Слайд 17Classification of neurons
4. Classification Based on Functions
afferent (sensory)
efferent (motor)


Classification of neurons4. Classification Based on Functionsafferent (sensory) efferent (motor) associative

Слайд 18Synapses
Synapse the specialized junction where one part of a neuron

contacts and communicates with another neuron or cell type (such

as a muscle or glandular cell).
Synapses Synapse the specialized junction where one part of a neuron contacts and communicates with another neuron

Слайд 20Classification of Synapses
1. The place of junction
neuromuscular junction
neuro-neural junction


Classification of Synapses 1. The place of junction neuromuscular junctionneuro-neural junctionneuro-glandular junction

Слайд 21Classification of Synapses
2. Synaptic arrangements in the CNS
axodendritic synapse

axoaxonic synapse

Classification of Synapses2. Synaptic arrangements in the CNS axodendritic synapseaxosomatic synapseaxoaxonic synapse

Слайд 23Classification of Synapses
3. Based of type of influence

Classification of Synapses3. Based of type of influenceexcitatoryinhibitory

Слайд 24Classification of Synapses
3. Based on type of synaptic transmission
electrical synapses


Classification of Synapses3. Based on type of synaptic transmissionelectrical synapseschemical synapses

Слайд 25Electrical synapses
Six connexins combine to form a channel called

a connexon
Two connexons (one from each cell) combine to

form a gap junction channel
Electrical synapses Six connexins combine to form a channel called a connexon Two connexons (one from each

Слайд 26Chemical synapses

Axon terminal
Presynaptic membrane
Postsynaptic membrane
Synaptic cleft

Synaptic vesicles
Postsynaptic receptors

Chemical synapsesAxon terminalPresynaptic membranePostsynaptic membraneSynaptic cleftSynaptic vesiclesPostsynaptic receptors

Слайд 28Nerve fibers

Nerve fibers

Слайд 29Classification of nerve fibers
unmyelinated fibers

myelinated fibers

Classification of nerve fibers unmyelinated fibersmyelinated fibers

Слайд 30Myelin sheath
Myelin sheath is a fatty white substance that surrounds

the axon of nerve fibers, forming an electrically insulating layer


production of the myelin sheath is called myelination
Myelin sheathMyelin sheath is a fatty white substance that surrounds the axon of nerve fibers, forming an

Слайд 32Nodes of Ranvier
Nodes of Ranvier are periodic gaps in the

insulating myelin sheaths of myelinated axons where the axonal membrane

is exposed to the extracellular space

Nerve conduction in myelinated axons is referred to as saltatory conduction.
Nodes of RanvierNodes of Ranvier are periodic gaps in the insulating myelin sheaths of myelinated axons where

Слайд 35Glial cells
Glial cells (neuroglia or glia) are non-neuronal cells that

maintain homeostasis, form myelin, and provide support and protection for

neurons in the central and peripheral nervous systems
Glial cellsGlial cells (neuroglia or glia) are non-neuronal cells that maintain homeostasis, form myelin, and provide support

Слайд 36Classification of glial cells
Schwann cells supply the myelin for the

peripheral nervous system

Oligodendrocytes myelinate the axons of the central

nervous system.

Classification of glial cellsSchwann cells supply the myelin for the peripheral nervous system Oligodendrocytes myelinate the axons

Слайд 37Astrocytes
fill the spaces between neurons
is regulating the chemical content

of this extracellular space.
regulate the concentration of potassium ions in

the extracellular fluid.
AstrocytesAstrocytes fill the spaces between neuronsis regulating the chemical content of this extracellular space.regulate the concentration of

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