Разделы презентаций

Translation as a means of intercultural collaboration Перевод как средство


Tongue twistersI have got a date at a quarter to eight; I’ll see you at the gate, so don’t be lateFlash message Red lorry, yellow lorry Stupid superstition A big black

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Translation as a means of intercultural collaboration Перевод как средство межкультурного

Grammatical techniques/methods of translation

Translation as a means of intercultural collaboration Перевод как средство межкультурного взаимодействияGrammatical techniques/methods of translation

Слайд 2Tongue twisters
I have got a date at a quarter to

eight; I’ll see you at the gate, so don’t be

Flash message
Red lorry, yellow lorry
Stupid superstition
A big black bear sat on a big black rug
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
Tongue twistersI have got a date at a quarter to eight; I’ll see you at the gate,

Слайд 3I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop. Where she

sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.


sells sea shells on the sea shore; The shells that she sells are sea shells I'm sure. So if she sells sea shells on the sea shore, I'm sure that the shells are sea shore shells.

While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washington's windows with warm washing water.

I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop. Where she sits she shines, and where she

Слайд 4Grammatical means/techniques of translation
Part 1
Check and discuss homework texts
What is

bad and what is good in translating?
Part 2
Morphological transformations under

the conditions of forms similarity
Morphological transformations under the conditions of forms DISsimilarity
How to become free from the source language?
Part 3
Syntax transformations at the level of word combinations/collocations
Syntax transformations at the level of sentences
Transformations. The essence of translator work.
Grammatical means/techniques of translationPart 1RevisionCheck and discuss homework textsBrainstorm:What is bad and what is good in translating?Part

Слайд 5Part 1
Home work

Part 1RevisionHome work

Слайд 6Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте имена, подлежащие транскрипции, и выберите

оптимальный звуко-буквенный вариант перевода их на русский язык в соответствии

со сказочным стилем.
All were eager to get the journey over as quickly as possible, and were willing, tired as they were, to go on marching still for several hours. Gandalf walked in front as before. In his left hand he held up his glimmering staff, the light of which just showed the ground before his
feet; in his right hand he held his sword Glamdring. Behind him came Gimli, his eyes
glinting in the dim light as he turned his head from side to side. Behind the dwarf
walked Frodo, and he had drawn the short sword, Sting. No gleam came from the
blades of Sting or of Glamdring; and that was some comfort, for being the work of
Elvish smiths in the Elder days these swords shone with a cold light, if any Ores were
near at hand. Behind Frodo went Sam, and after him Legolas, and the young hobbits,
and Boromir. In the dark at the rear, grim and silent, walked Aragorn.
Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте имена, подлежащие транскрипции, и выберите оптимальный звуко-буквенный вариант перевода их на русский

Слайд 7Упражнение 2. Выделите в тексте единицы, подлежащие либо транскрипции, либо

калькированию, либо смешанному переводу и переведите текст.
The main body of

the Salish, from whom the Bella Coola have become separated,
occupy a large and continuous area in southern British Columbia and the Western
portion of the State of Washington. They also occupy the eastern part of Vancouver
Island, south of Cape Mudge, and the southern end of the Island around Victoria. On
the mainland of British Columbia and the state of Washington the boundaries are less
definite. Salish-speaking peoples live along the Frazer River and occupy its large
tributary, the Thompson River. These interiour Salish tribes, the Thompson, Lillooet,
and Shuswap, have never been considered as possessing the culture of the coast
peoples since their houses, dress, food, religion, and art, are quite different not only
from those of the Northwest Coast, but from their other neighbours as well.
Упражнение 2. Выделите в тексте единицы, подлежащие либо транскрипции, либо калькированию, либо смешанному переводу и переведите текст.The

Слайд 8Упражнение 3. Найдите соответствия для выделенных слов с учетом возможной

эмфатизации или нейтрализации значений. В тех случаях, когда возможны оба

варианта, дайте обоснование предпочтительного выбора. Переводя текст в целом на русский язык, отметьте в нем единицы, требующие таких переводческих приемов, как транскрипция, сужение или расширение значения.
At one point during my career I held an administrative point in the government, which generally precluded the practice of ongoing therapy. I did from time to time, however, see people for brief consultations. Often they were high-ranking political figures. One such was Mr. R., a wealthy lawyer on leave of absence from his firm while serving as general counsel to a large federal department. It was June. Mr. R. had consulted me about his son, Roger, who had turned fifteen the month before. Although Roger had been a good scholar in one of the suburban public schools, his marks had declined gradually but steadily throughout the ninth grade. In his end-of-the-year evaluation the school guidance counsellor had told Mr. and Mrs. R. that Roger would be
promoted to the tenth grade but suggested a psychiatric evaluation to determine the
cause of his academic decline.
Упражнение 3. Найдите соответствия для выделенных слов с учетом возможной эмфатизации или нейтрализации значений. В тех случаях,

Слайд 9Упражнение 4. фразеологизмы
1. I had to keep a sharp eye

on his sister for the sake of her good.
2. The

woman obviously had the gift of second sight, whatever it might be.
3. It was still not unheard of for an angry parent to cut off his son with a shilling.
4. If you haven't been born under a lucky star you just have to work all the harder to get what you want.
5. Oh, by the way, if you want a bath, take one. There ain't a Peeping Tom on the place.
6. The mere sound of that execrable, ugly name made his blood run cold and his breath come in laboured gasps.

1. Он не спускал глаз со своей сестры во имя ее блага.
2. Очевидно, у женщины был дар ясновидения, как бы то ни было.
3. Это было неслыханным, чтобы рассерженный  родитель выставил своего ребенка из дома без гроша в кармане.
4. Если вы родились под счастливой звездой, вы добьетесь всего, что желаете, работая усерднее других.
5.О, между прочим, если вы хотите принять душ, не стесняйтесь. Здесь вас никто не увидит.
6. Единственный звук его отвратительного, уродливого имени заставлял его кровь замирать в жилах, трудно становилось дышать.

Упражнение 4. фразеологизмы1. I had to keep a sharp eye on his sister for the sake of

Слайд 10Brainstorm Translation is aimed at transference of the message
1. Слова ≪старый

черт≫ не были для нее сообщением, так как сержант на

контрольно-пропускном пункте не предназначал их французскому полковнику, он был уверен, что француз русского языка не поймет.

А это значит, что международный ляпсус при проверке документов следовало не сохранять, а исправлять.

2. Сообщением для переводчика был не
устный текст писателя на кхмерском языке, а его письменный вариант на французском языке.

Наименьшим злом оказался повторный перевод части текста, что не выходило за рамки сообщения.

3. в переводе не было грубых ругательств.

Виной здесь может быть либо замешательство переводчика, либо его интуиция, поскольку грубость могла быть сказана в экстазе, а потому и не предназначаться в ≪открытый эфир≫.

Brainstorm Translation is aimed at transference of the message1. Слова ≪старый черт≫ не были для нее сообщением,

Слайд 11Every time you translate you decide what is bad and

what is good

Every time you translate you decide what is  bad  and what is good

Слайд 12Part 2
Morphological transformations

Part 2Morphological transformations

Слайд 13Differences and similarities in grammar
Indo-European languages family
Categories of:
Degree of comparison


Meaning (English: expressed through the addition of words. Russian:

through changes in the composition of words (e.g., by inflections or the addition of prefixes and suffixes)
Aspect / auxiliary verbs

Translation full or partial compensation

Translation full or partial compensation

Translation full or partial compensation

Translation full or partial compensation

Translation full or partial compensation

Translation full or partial compensation

Differences and similarities in grammarSIMILARITIESIndo-European languages familyCategories of:NumberDegree of comparisonTensesDIFFERENCESWord order Meaning (English: expressed through the addition

Слайд 14Full translation
Не pulled himself together quickly. Он быстро взял себя

в руки.
Zero translation
they say -- говорят
you see --

before one can say a word -- не успеешь
Partial translation
Не could not break himself out of his habit of flushing.
Он никак не мог избавиться от привычки краснеть.
Functional translation
Она остановится в гостинице.
She will stay at a hotel.
She will be staying at a hotel.
She is staying at a hotel.

Rules of translation of similar grammar forms

Full translationНе pulled himself together quickly. Он быстро взял себя в руки. Zero translationthey say -- говорят

Слайд 15Adaptation (уподобление)
Не glanced up just to see a stranger on

the neighbouring roof.
Он взглянул наверх и в этот момент

увидел на крыше соседнего дома незнакомца.

Conversion (конверсия)
And, help me God, I'll never eat spinach again as long as I live.
И, Богом клянусь, я больше никогда в жизни не стану есть шпинат.
I'll take care for her as long as I live. Я буду заботиться о ней, пока я жив.

Antonymic (антонимичный)
Не did not have much time at his disposal. У него оставалось мало времени.
Не was eager to start climbing. Ему не терпелось начать подъем.
Adaptation (уподобление)Не glanced up just to see a stranger on the neighbouring roof. Он взглянул наверх и

Слайд 16Have a try!
Упражнение 4: Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая

внимание на необходимость преобразования выделенных грамматических форм.
1. Учителя требовали

выплаты заработной платы, улучшения школьного оборудования и уменьшения обязательного числа учеников в классе.
2. ООН мало что сделала для предотвращения югославского конфликта.
3. Усилия реставраторов направлены прежде всего на сохранение свойств строительной древесины в древних бревенчатых постройках.
4. Ухудшение финансового положения страны непосредственно сказывается на снижении уровня жизни населения.
5. Все попытки восстановить в стране тоталитарный режим, тем более нечистоплотными методами, морально и социально обречены на провал.
Have a try!Упражнение 4: Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на необходимость преобразования выделенных грамматических форм.

Слайд 17Have a try!
Упражнение 2: Переведите предложения на русский язык, употребляя

соответствующие преобразования для выделенных грамматических форм.
1. She wanted someone

to console her, to assure her, to tell her that it was not worth troubling about.
2. Sitting up in her bed she rocked to and fro in agony, 'What shall I do? What shall I do?”
3. The public are a lot of jackasses. If you yell and scream and throw yourself about you'll always get a lot of damned fools to shout themselves silly.
4. Those who are evil are masters of disguise; they are not apt to wittingly disclose their true colours.
5. I had begun to suspect the truth of this, but I hardly expected her to be so calmly aware of it.
Have a try!Упражнение 2: Переведите предложения на русский язык, употребляя соответствующие преобразования для выделенных грамматических форм. 1.

Слайд 18Zero translation
"His extraordinarily strong personality powerfully impressed the imagination of

his countrymen"
"Он поражал воображение соотечественников беспримерной силой духа“


They were powerful enough not to need a tsar, especially the tsar
Они были достаточно могущественными, чтобы не нуждаться в каком-то царе, особенном в таком царе.

Rules of translation of different grammar forms

Zero translation

Слайд 19Structural substitution/conversion
On acquiring new animals, one of the many problems

that face you is the process of settling them.
Приобретение новых

животных связано с проблемами, одна из которых заключается в размещении их.
Оратор устало замолчал.
The tired speaker was silent.

Официант оттолкнул его.
The waiter pushed him away.

He almost believed that he had been living on two pounds a week for years.
Он едва сам не поверил в то, что годами жил на два фунта в неделю.

Structural substitution/conversionOn acquiring new animals, one of the many problems that face you is the process of

Слайд 20Have a try!
Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, предлагая несколько

вариантов перевода выделенных единиц
1. To gain freedom one sacrifices

something -- the house, the comfort, the tulips in the garden, and all that these things signify.
2. On one occasion after reading a book about American efficiency, he bought a large outfit of costly machinery, only to discover that the estate was not large enough to justify the expenditure.
3. Time passed and the book showed no signs of getting itself written.
4. And what could it mean for those who had never seen a Greek statue or read about Achilles in a book with a crinkle sheepskin cover?
5. Gradually I began to be more free in applying my new ideas to the life and work around me.
Have a try!Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, предлагая несколько вариантов перевода выделенных единиц 1. To gain

Слайд 21Brainstorm

How to become free from a source language?

BrainstormHow to become free from a source language?

Слайд 22Part 3
Syntax transformations

Part 3  Syntax transformations

Слайд 23Syntax transformations at the level of word combinations/collocations
Full translation
The language

of the simple people
Язык простого народа

Partial translation (broadening/narrowing)
Her archeologist husband…

муж, археолог по профессии…

Functional translation
Business card etiquette
Правила вручения визитных карточек

Древнерусские скоморохи -- the ribald. Ribald and boisterous comedians that included colourfully dressed jesters, minstrels, musicians and travelled in bands of thirty to sixty and performed in the market squares singing songs and composing commentaries on people and events.

Syntax transformations at the level of word combinations/collocationsFull translationThe language of the simple peopleЯзык простого народаPartial translation

Слайд 24Have a try!
Упражнение 1: Определите, какие из следующих словосочетаний подлежат

полному переводу, а какие требуют преобразований. Выберите соответствующий прием и

переведите словосочетания на русский язык.
Big business rules
consumer goods
perfect likeness
bread and butter plates
absolutely inappropriate
communal butter dish
live performance
off-Broadway theatre
to stay awake
choreographer's patterns
fifteen-minute period
a tennis player
member facilities
body language
"I-don't-trust-him" facial expression
a shifty-eyed person
Have a try!Упражнение 1: Определите, какие из следующих словосочетаний подлежат полному переводу, а какие требуют преобразований. Выберите

Слайд 25Syntax transformations at the level of sentences
Zero translation
Functional translation
Antonymic translation

Syntax transformations at the level of sentencesZero translationFunctional translationTranspositionBroadeningNarrowingAntonymic translationAdditionOmission

Слайд 26Have a try!
Упражнение 1: Переведите следующие предложения, определяя необходимость и

тип функциональной замены синтаксических единиц. Проанализируйте взаимосвязь между синтаксическими преобразованиями

и необходимостью лексико-семантических приемов.
1. То protect the Constitution from hasty alteration, Article V stipulated that amendments to the Constitution be proposed either by two-thirds of both houses of Congress or by two-thirds of the states, meeting in convention.
2. Americans today think of the War for Independence as a revolution, but in important respects it was also a civil war.
3. Although Cornwall's defeat did not immediately end the war -- which would drag on inconclusively for almost two more years -- a new British government decided to pursue peace negotiations in Paris in early 1782, with the American side represented by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and John Jay.
4. Inevitably, too, that westward expansion of the European colonists brought them into conflict with the original inhabitants of the land: the Indians.
5. The Sioux of the Northern Plains and the Apache of the Southwest provided the most significant opposition to frontier advance.
Have a try!Упражнение 1: Переведите следующие предложения, определяя необходимость и тип функциональной замены синтаксических единиц. Проанализируйте взаимосвязь

Слайд 27Brainstorm
Transformations. The essence of translator work.

BrainstormTransformations. The essence of translator work.

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