In 1851 gold was discovered about 300 km west of Sydney. People rushed to the gold fields to find their fortunes. This attracted robbers cold bushrangers.
The flag of Australia is the only one to fly over a whole continent. The small Union Jack represents the historical link with Britain, the large seven-pointed star represents the six States and Territories, and the small stars from the Southern Cross – a prominent feature of the southern hemisphere night sky.
Adelaide. Capital of South Australia. A pretty and industrial city. Population of about 1,100, 000.
2. Кто такие аборигены?
Who are the Aborigines?
3. Какие у тебя впечатления об Австралии?
What are your impressions of Australia?
4. Любят ли австралийцы природу?
Do Australians love nature?
5. Много ли людей других национальностей живут в Австралии?
Do many people of many nationalities live in Australia?
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