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Van Heerden, Tanya 3733802/02602

Why this happened and the effects on the economyRemote working is a direct effect of COVID-19 on businesses, as the businesses had introduced this method to keep their workers safe. Remote

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Van Heerden, Tanya 3733802/02602
The effects of remote working on the world


Van Heerden, Tanya 3733802/02602The effects of remote working on the world economyhttps://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-14/world-economy-working-from-home-gets-glimpse-of-virtual-future

Слайд 2Why this happened and the effects on the economy
Remote working

is a direct effect of COVID-19 on businesses, as the

businesses had introduced this method to keep their workers safe.
Remote working has negatively effect the economy in that it influenced the labour force by increasing lay-offs and lowering the productivity in some industries, for example manufacturing industries. This lowers the profits of a business and in turn lowers the tax paid to the government.
However, it has had a positive effect on some industries with white-collar jobs as it is not necessary for workers to be in the office to complete their work.
Why this happened and the effects on the economyRemote working is a direct effect of COVID-19 on

Слайд 3Definitions
Remote working – working from home through an internet

Lay-off – termination of employment from a company
White-collar jobs

– professional, desk, managerial or administrative work performed from an office
Definitions Remote working – working from home through an internet platformLay-off – termination of employment from a

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