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200 дней и ночей. Сталинград

Panorama of front-line Stalingrad June 1942

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Two Hundred Heroic Days

Project by Pereverzeva Helen,
The 9th Form.

Utebekova Katherina

Volgograd region
Kotluban secondary school

Two Hundred Heroic DaysProject by Pereverzeva Helen, The 9th Form.Teacher: Utebekova Katherina Volgograd regionKotluban secondary school

Слайд 2Panorama of front-line Stalingrad June 1942

Panorama of front-line Stalingrad  June 1942

Слайд 3The people of Stalingrad fortify their city

The people of Stalingrad fortify their city

Слайд 4In the late summer of 1942 the front-line drew practically

to Stalingrad. August, 23 was the hardest day for the

people of Stalingrad.
In the late summer of 1942 the front-line drew practically to Stalingrad. August, 23 was the hardest

Слайд 5Grandiose battle took place on the approaches to Stalingrad and

its outskirts

Grandiose battle took place on the approaches to Stalingrad and its outskirts

Слайд 6Hardship has come. City residents, their children leave besieged burning


Hardship has come. City residents, their children leave besieged burning city

Слайд 7Fighting was going on for every bit of Stalingrad soil

Fighting was going on for every bit of Stalingrad soil

Слайд 8Fighting for a house

Fighting for a house

Слайд 9Street fighting

Street fighting

Слайд 10Victory! February 2, 1943

Victory! February 2, 1943

Слайд 11This is how they looked they have reached the Volga

This is how they looked they have reached the Volga

Слайд 12War-time Stalingrad

War-time Stalingrad

Слайд 13Victory banner raised over Stalingrad

Victory banner raised over Stalingrad

Слайд 14

In recognition of fortitude and courage the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union was conferred on 112 non-commissioned and commissioned ranks; more than 763.000 of Stalingrad defenders were decorated with orders and medals

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