Разделы презентаций

Present Continuous

- They play football every day.Они играют в футбол каждый день. - Usually they wear a red uniform.Обычно они носят красную форму.- They are playing football at the moment.В данный момент

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Present Continuous
(Настоящее длительное)

Слова-спутники: - at the moment

- now
Present  Continuous(Настоящее длительное)Слова-спутники: - at the moment

Слайд 2- They play football every day.
Они играют в футбол каждый


- Usually they wear a red uniform.
Обычно они носят

красную форму.

- They are playing football at the moment.
В данный момент они играют в футбол.

- Player is wearing a red uniform now.
Сейчас игрок одет в красную форму.


Present Simple

Present Continuous

- They play football every day.Они играют в футбол каждый день. - Usually they wear a red

Слайд 3…употребляется для обозначения действия, происходящего в данный момент или в

момент речи.
To be + Ving


Present continuous…

…употребляется для обозначения действия, происходящего в данный момент или в момент речи.To be + VingamisareIyouwetheyhesheitPresent continuous…

Слайд 5I am eating …….. now (at the moment)

I am eating …….. now (at the moment)

Слайд 6She is singing.
They are reading.
It is drinking.
I am

You are drawing.
He is working.
Denis is walking.
Kate is

Denis and Kate are talking.
Kate’s pet is sleeping.
She is  singing.They are reading.It is  drinking.I am playing.You are drawing.He is  working.Denis is

Слайд 7What are they doing?
They are watching TV now.
Make a snowman

a bike
Sing a song
Drive a car
Have a picnic
Watch TV

They are

riding a bike now.

They are having picnic now.

They are making a snowman now.

They are singing a song.

They are running now.

They are driving a car now.

They are dancing now.

What are they doing?They are watching TV now.Make a snowmanRide a bikeDanceSing a songDrive a carRunHave a

Слайд 8 To be not Ving

Отрицательные предложения

To be not VingОтрицательные предложения

Слайд 9Отрицательные предложения
He is not working at the moment.
He is

sleeping now.

Отрицательные предложенияHe is not working at the moment. He is sleeping now.

Слайд 10He is not reading at the moment.
He is playing video

games now.
Отрицательные предложения

He is not reading at the moment.He is playing video games now.Отрицательные предложения

Слайд 11She is not playing with dog at the moment.
She is

cleaning the house now.
Отрицательные предложения

She is not playing with dog at the moment.She is cleaning the house now. Отрицательные предложения

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