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The aims:to learn more about famous people of Great Britain;to learn more about the life and activity of Sting.The tasks:to broaden the knowledge about the English – Speaking country – Great

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Слайд 1Municipal General Education Establishment “Bolshekaramasskaya Secondary School” of Vozhskiy district,

Republic of Mari-El

“I believe in the power of music”

Yakovleva Tatyana
Form 10
Teacher: Zacharova Rosa

v.Chodrayal, 2014.

Municipal General Education Establishment “Bolshekaramasskaya Secondary School” of Vozhskiy district, Republic of Mari-El “I believe in the

Слайд 2The aims:
to learn more about famous people of Great Britain;

learn more about the life and activity of Sting.
The tasks:

broaden the knowledge about the English – Speaking country – Great Britain;
to develop skills of practical language.

The aims:to learn more about famous people of Great Britain;to learn more about the life and activity

Слайд 3 “The aim and the final reason of all music should

be none else but the glory of God and the

recreation of mind”.

I.S. Bach


“The aim and the final reason of all music should be none else but the glory of

Слайд 4STING


Слайд 5STING
His childhood
He was born in a working-class family.

He wanted to

be a musician.

STINGHis childhoodHe was born in a working-class family.He wanted to be a musician.

Слайд 6His occupation
By profession Sting is a teacher of English.

But he

understands that he is made for music.

Sumner worked as a

ditch digger.


His occupationBy profession Sting is a teacher of English.But he understands that he is made for music.Sumner

Слайд 7Rock group“The Police”

“The Police” was formed in 1977.


The members of

the group “The Police” are : an American drummer Stewart

Copeland and an English guitar player Andy Summers.
Rock group“The Police”“The Police” was formed in 1977.STINGThe members of the group “The Police” are : an

Слайд 8Their Awards
They win six Grammy Awards and two Brit Awards.

1982: Best British Group.
In 1985: Outstanding Contribution to Music. “The

Police” were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on 10 March 2003.


Their AwardsThey win six Grammy Awards and two Brit Awards.In 1982: Best British Group.In 1985: Outstanding Contribution

Слайд 9A solo career
In September 1981, Sting makes his first solo


In 1983 he decides to leave “The Police”.

He becomes the

well-known, iconic Sting.

His 1991 album, “The Soul Cages” was dedicated to his recently deceased father. It included the Top 10 song “All This Time“.

The album eventually went Platinum.


A solo careerIn September 1981, Sting makes his first solo appearance.In 1983 he decides to leave “The

Слайд 10His family

His first wife was an actress Frances Tomelty. They

have two children.
His second wife is an actress and

a film producer Trudie Styler.

Не has 6 children
Joe Sumner
Kate Sumner
Mickey Sumner
Jake Sumner
Eliot Sumner
Giacomo Sumner


His familyHis first wife was an actress Frances Tomelty. They have two children. His second wife is

Слайд 11 The most popular songs
Englishman In New-York
All For Love

We Dance
Brand New Day
I’ll Be Missing You
Shape Of

My Heart


The most popular songs RussiansRoxanne Englishman In New-YorkAll For Love When We Dance Brand New Day

Слайд 12 Some interesting facts
Sting received a star on the Hollywood

Walk of Fame for his achievements and contributions to the

field of music.

Sting is a winemaker, his wines are highly appreciated by the world's leading wine experts.

His song «Fragile» was included into the charity album «Songs For Japan» and was contributed into the fund of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011.


Some interesting  facts  Sting received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for

Слайд 13Being a music star, he is still a teacher

What he

teaches now is how to love people and nature;

How to

live happily and stay a human being;

How to plant seeds in people’s minds;


Being a music star,  he is still a teacherWhat he teaches now is how to love

Слайд 15Thank you!

Thank you!

Слайд 16Resources



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