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Урок по английскому языку "Еда"


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

apple, carrot, sandwich, jam, ham

tea, cheese, sweets, piece

lemon, bread



PHONETIC EXERCISESapple, carrot, sandwich, jam, hamtea, cheese, sweets, piecelemon, breadcoffee, orange

Слайд 11Read the names of fruits:
1) Pleap
2) Abnana
3) Melno
4) Ajm
5) sifh


Read the names of fruits:1) Pleap2) Abnana3) Melno4) Ajm5) sifh6) imkl

Слайд 12Name the colours of food:

Name the colours of food:

Слайд 13 bread


apple milk
banana corn
meet pop-corn
cheese salt
sugar cucumber
orange tea

bread coffee
lemon carrot
apple milk
banana corn
meet pop-corn
cheese salt
sugar cucumber
orange tea


Слайд 14Write the missing letters:
1) сh—se, sw—t, ca—ot, ca—age, bu—er,

2) dr-nk, m-lk, me-t, t-a,
f-sh, sal-mi.

Write the missing letters: 1) сh—se, sw—t, ca—ot, ca—age, bu—er, co—ee. 2) dr-nk, m-lk, me-t, t-a, f-sh,

Слайд 15Finish the sentences with the names of food and drinks:

I can drink ….

I can eat…

Finish the sentences with the names of food and drinks: I can drink …. I can eat…

Слайд 16Use much or many with these words:
Milk, sugar, chocolate, cakes,

porridge, potatoes, cheese, pies, tea, sweets

Use much or many with these words:Milk, sugar, chocolate, cakes, porridge, potatoes, cheese, pies, tea, sweets

Слайд 17 Remember
There is some milk in the bottle.

Is there

any milk in the bottle ?

There is not any milk

in the bottle.
RemembersomeanyThere is some milk in the bottle.Is there any milk in the bottle ?+-?There is

Слайд 18 GRAMMAR 1.There _ _

juice in the glass. 2.There _ _ sweets in the


some any are is

3.There _ _ butter on the plate.

4.There _ not _ rice.

5.There _ not _ eggs on the table.
6._ there _ juice in the fridge?
7. Have you got … cookies?
8. We have got … chocolate.

GRAMMAR 1.There _ _ juice in the glass.

Слайд 19 Remember
There are some candies in

the box
There is some oil in the bottle

RememberThere are some candies in the boxThere is some oil in the

Слайд 20Tell your friend what must or mustn’t you eat to

be healthy:
Do not eat much\ many…

Tell your friend what must or mustn’t you eat to be healthy:Do not eat much\ many…

Слайд 21Guess the riddles:

It is yellow, not sweet. I drink tea

with it.
It is yellow. Monkeys like to eat it.

It is orange and long. Rabbits like to eat it.
It is green, big and round. Rabbits and goats like it.
To smile we say “----”
Mickey Mouse likes it very much.
They are red, green, and yellow. They are round and sweet.

Guess the riddles:It is yellow, not sweet. I drink tea with it. It is yellow. Monkeys like

Слайд 26Thank you children! Bye-bye!

Thank you children! Bye-bye!

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