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Разработка урока по теме "Планирование поездки в Британию"

Why travel to the UK? To visit Britishplaces of interestTo practiseEnglishTo learn BritishtraditionsTo take part in festivalsTo watch tennis and footballcompetitions

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Planning A Trip To Great Britain

Planning A Trip To Great Britain

Слайд 2
Why travel to the UK?

To visit British
places of interest

To learn British

To take part in festivals
To watch tennis and

Why travel to the UK? To visit Britishplaces of interestTo practiseEnglishTo learn BritishtraditionsTo take part in festivalsTo

Слайд 3

When people think of Britain they usually only think of

British people to their mind are kind, relaxed and helpful.

Another idea of Britain is that the weather is always cold and wet.
Rob Wilson

When I think of Britain, I think of two main areas, Scotland and England. I picture British people as hard-working.
Marni Duncan

Often when I think of the British, a voice with a British accent comes into my mind. It says, “ Would you like a cup of tea?”
Sarah Wood

The only big city that I can picture is London. I imagine the rest of the country as small towns.
Dan Kerman

When people think of Britain they usually only think of London.British people to their mind are kind,

Слайд 4 When I think of Britain I imagine…
I picture

in my mind …
It’s not easy to imagine something.

First of all I think of…

What Do You Imagine When You Think Of Britain?

When I think of Britain I imagine… I picture in my mind … It’s not easy

Слайд 5The Emblems Of England
A Red Rose

The Emblems Of England A Red Rose

Слайд 6The Emblems Of Scotland
A Thistle

The Emblems Of Scotland A Thistle

Слайд 7The Emblems Of Wales

A Daffodil

The Emblems Of Wales A Daffodil

Слайд 8The Emblem Of Northern Ireland
A Shamrock

The Emblem Of Northern Ireland A Shamrock

Слайд 9London - the Capital of the UK

London - the Capital of the UK

Слайд 10The Home Town of the Beatles is Liverpool

The Home Town of the Beatles is Liverpool

Слайд 11 Typical British Things

Typical British Things

Слайд 12The British Queen
Elizabeth ІІ

The British Queen Elizabeth ІІ

Слайд 13Kinds Of Transport:

Kinds Of Transport:

Слайд 14Fly by planes! It's the quickest way of travelling.

Fly by planes! It's the quickest way of travelling.

Слайд 15Sights of London



Sights of London

Слайд 16Match English and Russian Names:
Westminster Abbey
The Houses of Parliament

Paul’s Cathedral
London Tower
The National Gallery
The Tate
The British Museum
Собор Святого Павла


Лондонский Тауэр

Британский музей

Картинная галерея Тейт

Вестминстерское аббатство

Здание парламента

Match English and Russian Names: Westminster AbbeyThe Houses of ParliamentSt. Paul’s CathedralLondon TowerThe National GalleryThe TateThe British

Слайд 18Things You Should Take With

Things You Should Take With

Слайд 19Necessary Things During A Trip:

Necessary Things During A Trip:

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