Разделы презентаций

Where boys become crocodile man

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Greeting Hand


Arm Knee Palm
Greeting      Hand         Ears

Слайд 2Present simple Passive

Present simple Passive

Слайд 3Checking up home work   Circle station

Checking up home work   Circle station

Слайд 51. The torch is taken to the Olympic city
2. The flag is

carried into the stadium
3. The flame is lighted with the torch

4. Games are opened with a speech
1.	The torch is taken to the Olympic city2.	The flag is carried into the stadium3.	The flame is lighted

Слайд 6New lesson
Where boys become crocodile man

New lessonWhere boys become crocodile man

Слайд 10

Earth – жер
Hut- үңгір
Skulls- бас сүйек
Survive- өмір

Responsibilities- жауапкершілік


 Tribe-тайпа Earth – жер Hut- үңгірSkulls- бас сүйекSurvive- өмір сүруResponsibilities- жауапкершілікVOCABULARY

Слайд 11Kazakhstan
Venn diagram
Papua New

KazakhstanVenn diagramPapua New Guinea

Слайд 121 What is a main problem
2 The way of solving

the problems
3 Conclusion
Fishbone method

1 What is a main problem2 The way of solving the problems3 Conclusion Fishbone method

Слайд 13a young adult
a teenager
a pensioner
a baby
a child

a toddler

a young adult a teenager a pensioner a babya child a toddler

Слайд 14
1 The Niowra tribe lives near ___ which

is full of ____
A In the USA, crocodile

Sepik River ,crocodile
C In Canada , monkeys
D In Britain, Rose
2 The people believe that crocodiles made
A people and plants
B Nature and plants
C Earth and people
D Sun and Stars
The boys are told to think of their crocodile _________
to help them to be strong and brave
A their teachers
B fathers and mothers
C Nature and plant
D Planet
The boys are taken to a hut called “___________”
A The Crocodile Nest
B The Nature Home
C People and hut
D Bird’s Nest
The Present Passive Simple
A S+to be+ Ving
B Obj+V3 / Ving
В Obj+ V2/V3
D Object + to be +V3/Ved
Test 1 The Niowra tribe lives near ___ which is full of ____A  In

Слайд 15Thanks a lot for
listening, Goodbye!

Thanks a lot for listening, Goodbye!

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