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Past Simple Tense 6 класс

Find the sentences in Present Simple and Future Simple.I say hello every day. Usually I come home at 6 o'clock in the evening. I always see my

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Glad to see you!

Glad to see you!Hello!

Слайд 2Find the sentences in Present Simple and Future Simple.
I say

hello every day. Usually I come home at

6 o'clock in the evening. I always see my friend at school. Last year I was in Moscow.  I will go to bank tomorrow. I went to school three days ago. My parents will give me apples for breakfast. Last year Tom worked for a company in England. I opened the book, and started reading. I will visit a lot of dances next week. It was cold yesterday.

I say hello every day. Usually I come home at 6 o'clock in the evening. I always see my friend at school. Last year I was in Moscow.  I will go to bank tomorrow. I went to school three days ago. My parents will give me apples for breakfast. Last year Tom worked for a company in England. I opened the book, and started reading. I will visit a lot of dances next week. It was cold yesterday.

Find these expressions in the text
Был в.. Ходил в
Работал Открыл книгу
Начал читать Было холодно

Find the sentences in Present Simple and Future Simple.I say hello every day.   Usually I

Слайд 3Past Simple Tense

Past Simple Tense

Слайд 4Remember!
Простое прошедшее


Past Simple Tense

обозначает действия, которые

произошли в прошлом
Remember!        Простое прошедшее время Past Simple Tense

Слайд 5Compare:
I go to school every day

Boys play football.

Grandma watches TV

in the living room.
Present Simple
Past Simple

Compare:I go to school every dayBoys play football.Grandma watches TV in the living room.Compare:Present SimplePast Simple

Слайд 6Образование
Past Simple
S +

Образование Past Simple  S + edV2V-

Слайд 7Все глаголы делятся на
правильные и неправильные
like – liked

watch – watched
play – played
count – counted

sleep – slept
swim – swam
go – went
have – had
Все глаголы делятся на правильные и неправильные правильныеlike – liked watch – watched play – played count

Слайд 8Remember!
Слова-спутники прошедшего времени:
yesterday - вчера
the day before

yesterday - позавчера
last month – в прошлом месяце
last year –

в прошлом году
last week – на прошлой неделе
a year ago – год назад
a week ago – неделю назад
in 2009 – в 2009 году
Remember!Слова-спутники  прошедшего времени: yesterday - вчера the day before yesterday - позавчераlast month – в прошлом

Слайд 9Глагол to be

Глагол to be

Слайд 10 Глагол to be в Past Simple

Глагол to be в Past Simple

Слайд 12was not = wasn’t
were not = weren’t
Отрицательные формы

was not = wasn’twere not = weren’tОтрицательные формы

Слайд 13He
in the park.
in the park.

He We waswerein the park.in the park.notnot

Слайд 14Составьте отрицательные предложения
We were in the bank last Sunday.
We were

not in the park last Sunday.
They were very happy.
They were

not very happy.
He was a very good boy.
He was not a very good boy.
I was at school yesterday.
I was not at school yesterday.
Составьте отрицательные предложенияWe were in the bank last Sunday.We were not in the park last Sunday.They were

Слайд 15Как составить вопросительное предложение ?

Как составить вопросительное предложение ?He They waswerehappy.happy.??

Слайд 16Как ответить на вопрос?
Was he happy?
Were they happy?

Yes, he was
(-) No, he was

not (wasn’t)

(+) Yes, they were
(-) No, they were not (weren’t).

Как ответить на вопрос?Was he happy?Were they happy?  (+)  Yes, he was  (-)

Слайд 17Составьте вопросительные предложения
We were in the park last Sunday.
Were we

in the park last Sunday?
They were very happy.
Were they very

He was a very good boy.
Was he a very good boy?
I was at school yesterday.
Were you at school yesterday?
Составьте вопросительные предложенияWe were in the park last Sunday.Were we in the park last Sunday?They were very

Слайд 18Составьте вопросительные предложения
We were in the park last Sunday.
Were we

in the park last Sunday?
They were very happy.
Were they very

He was a very good boy.
Was he a very good boy?
I was at school yesterday.
Were you at school yesterday?

Структура специального вопроса

В.С. + was/ were + П + вчп ?
Ответ полным предложением

Структура вопроса к подлежащему
Who/ What + was + …?
Структура ответа
П + was/ were.

What was on the table? – The book was.
Who was in the park? – The children were.

Составьте вопросительные предложенияWe were in the park last Sunday.Were we in the park last Sunday?They were very

Слайд 19 I’m happy I’m glad

I’m satisfied

I’m sad I’m tired I’m surprised

Find your humour below :

I’m happy     I’m glad        I’m

Слайд 20You home task:
Ask all kinds of questions:
She was ill yesterday.


were in Moscow last month.

You home task:Ask all kinds of questions:She was ill yesterday.They were in Moscow last month.

Слайд 21

Thank you for your work at

the lesson.

Thank you for attention.

Our lesson is over.

Good bye everybody!
Thank you for

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