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A book review (Рецензия на книгу) 8 класс

Match the titles of the books and the names of the authors:Example: Oscar Wilde, The Ideal Husband. Oscar Wilde wrote «The Ideal Husband».

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1A Book Review (Рецензия на книгу) урок английского языка, 8 класс, УMK

Биболетовой М. З.
Автор: Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна,
учитель английского языка МБОУ

гимназии №19 имени Н.З.Поповичевой г. Липецка
A Book Review (Рецензия на книгу)  урок английского языка, 8 класс,  УMK Биболетовой М. З.

Слайд 2Match the titles of the books and the names of

the authors:
Example: Oscar Wilde, The Ideal Husband.

Oscar Wilde wrote «The Ideal Husband».

Match the titles of the books and the names of the authors:Example: Oscar Wilde, The Ideal Husband.

Слайд 3A Book Review

A Book Review

Слайд 4


Samuel Jones A _ A Journey to the Centre of the Earth is an exciting story. The descriptions of the adventures are wonderful and the story is thrilling. It's a brilliant book for all ages. В _ A Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne is a classic science-fiction story. It is an excellent adventure story about a strange journey to the heart of our planet. С _ The story begins when Professor Lidenbrock finds a piece of paper inside an old book. It tells him how to get to the centre of the earth. The professor and his assistant Alex, with a guide, leave Germany, and go to Iceland to find the secret entrance to the centre of the earth. Their journey is adventurous and exciting. There is a whole new world inside the earth that nobody knows about. In the end they manage to go back home.

The Daily News Book of the Month!




Слайд 5* thrilling story - full of action - brilliant

book for all ages * amusing story - funny

characters - good fun for all family * brilliant story - wonderful descriptions – great book * imaginative story - excellent adventure – great choice for young readers

Use the prompts to recommend some of your favourite books:

* thrilling story - full of action - brilliant    book for all ages

Слайд 6Writing Tip
In the last paragraph we write our recommendation. We

normally use the present simple.

To write a book review we

begin by saying the title of the book, the author’s name, the type of the story and what it is about.

In the second paragraph we mention the main characters and write a short
summary of the story.

Writing Tip In the last paragraph we write our recommendation. We normally use the present simple.To write

Слайд 7Paragraph 1: Introduction (Title – Author – Type) Title Robinson Crusoe

Author Daniel Defoe Type adventure story about a young man’s

adventures on an island Paragraph 2: Main Body (Plot) • Crusoe leaves England to become a sailor • ship sinks • he swims to a desert island • his life is very difficult there • he meets a man, Friday, a dog and a parrot • they leave the island • they go back to Europe Paragraph 3: Conclusion (Recommendation) great story - wonderful descriptions excellent story for everyone
Paragraph 1: Introduction (Title – Author – Type) Title Robinson Crusoe  Author Daniel Defoe  Type

Слайд 8Introduction (Paragraph 1) title, author, type,

what about

Main Body (Paragraph 2) characters, plot Conclusion (Paragraph 3) recommendation


Introduction (Paragraph 1) title, author, type,

Слайд 9 Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe is a

very famous story. It is an excellent adventure story about

a young man’s adventures on an island. The story begins when Robinson Crusoe leaves England to become a sailor. His ship sinks and he swims to a desert island. His life is very difficult there, but he meets a man, Friday, a dog and a parrot. After many exciting adventures, they leave the island and go back to Europe. Robinson Crusoe is a great story. The descriptions of the adventures are wonderful. It is an excellent story for everyone.

Check your answers:

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe is a very famous story. It is an excellent

Слайд 10New words:
the pillar - (зд.) столб
bathe in - заливать светом

airman - (зд.) пилот
to lip-read - читать no губам

New words:the pillar - (зд.) столбbathe in - заливать светомan airman - (зд.) пилотto lip-read - читать

Слайд 11 The title The author The text is about The author starts telling

us about... The main characters are... According to the text... The text goes

on to say... The author comes to the conclusion that... I found the text …


The title The author The text is about  The author starts telling us about... The

Write a review the book “The Headless Ghost” by

Pete Johnson. Use the writing tips and the plan.

YOUR HOMEWORK:Write a review the book “The Headless Ghost” by Pete Johnson. Use the writing tips and

Слайд 131.На уроке я работал… 2.Своей работой на уроке я… 3.Урок для меня

показался… 4.За урок я… 5.Мое настроение… 6.Материал урока мне был… 7.Домашнее задание мне кажется…

1.На уроке я работал… 2.Своей работой на уроке я… 3.Урок для меня показался… 4.За урок я… 5.Мое

Слайд 14Использованные материалы: I. Интернет реcурсы: 1. http://www.gemm.com/graphics_books_am/FW/FWUU7F54763J.jpg – изображение книги “A Journey

to the Centre of the Earth” 2. http://www.bookriver.ru/img/covers/28505.jpg – изображение книги

“Robinson Crusoe” 3. http://images.webpark.ru/uploads54/120711/Pictures_07.jpg – изображение Робинзона Крузо 4.http://www.vintagechannel.com/images/icons_fully_converter/The%20Headless%20Ghost.jpg изображение афиши фильма по книге “The Headless Ghost” 5. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51VPGSZN5KL._SY300_.jpg - изображение книги “The Headless Ghost” II. Virginia Evans, Neil O’Sullivan. Click On 1. Workbook. - Newbury: Express Publishing, 2001. III. Virginia Evans, Neil O’Sullivan. Click On 1. Teacher’s Book. - Newbury: Express Publishing, 2001. IV. O. C. Миронова. Английский язык. 8 класс. Поурочные планы по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой. II часть.- Волгоград: Корифей, 2006. V. М. З. Биболетова, Н. Н. Трубанёва. Английский язык. Учебник для 8 класса.- Обнинск: Титул, 2010.
Использованные материалы: I. Интернет реcурсы: 1. http://www.gemm.com/graphics_books_am/FW/FWUU7F54763J.jpg – изображение книги “A Journey to the Centre of the

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