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A Trip To Mars

MarsMars is the fourth planet fromthe Sunin the Solar System.It is oftendescribed as the “Red Planet”.Mars has two moons,Phobos andDeimos, whichare small and irregularly shaped.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1A Trip To Mars

A Trip To Mars

Слайд 2Mars
Mars is the fourth planet from
the Sun
in the Solar System.

is often
described as the “Red Planet”.
Mars has two moons,
Phobos and

are small and irregularly shaped.
MarsMars is the fourth planet fromthe Sunin the Solar System.It is oftendescribed as the “Red Planet”.Mars has

Слайд 3Trip to Mars is an old dream of mankind.
During it

travels may open new natural resources,
which will improve life of

humanity in the future.
Trip to Mars is an old dream of mankind.During it travels may open new natural resources,which will

Слайд 4Mars is unknown planet, that hides a lot of secrets.

we know, that life on Mars doesn’t exist,
but scientists continue

to explore the planet.
Mars is unknown planet, that hides a lot of secrets.Currently we know, that life on Mars doesn’t

Слайд 5Life on Mars is very different from life on Earth.

The main difference is gravity, temperature, lack of water pressure

and carbon dioxide instead of oxygen.
Life on Mars is very different from life on Earth. The main difference is gravity, temperature, lack

Слайд 6During a trip to Mars, many things can go wrong.

example breakage of equipment.
Large amount of radiation and dust storms

are a threat to human health.
During a trip to Mars, many things can go wrong.For example breakage of equipment.Large amount of radiation

Слайд 7Trip will be important for human civilization,
if one takes the

first step to another planet to colonize it later. Colonization

of Mars can play a big role in saving mankind in the case of some global catastrophe on Earth, such as a collision with an asteroid.
Trip will be important for human civilization,if one takes the first step to another planet to colonize

Слайд 8Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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