Разделы презентаций


According to their meaning adverbs are subdivided into adverbs of time, adverbs of place, adverbs of repetitions and frequency, adverbs of degree and adverbs of manner.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Adverbs


Слайд 2According to their meaning adverbs are subdivided into adverbs of

time, adverbs of place, adverbs of repetitions and frequency, adverbs

of degree and adverbs of manner.
According to their meaning adverbs are subdivided into adverbs of time, adverbs of place, adverbs of repetitions

Слайд 3За значенням прислівники в англійській мові поділяються на 5 основних

груп: - прислівники часу - прислівники місця - прислівники повторюваності і частотності - прислівники

ступеня - прислівники способу дії
За значенням прислівники в англійській мові поділяються на 5 основних груп: - прислівники часу - прислівники місця

Слайд 6Adverbs of time: today, yesterday, now, soon, early, then, before…

Adverbs of time:  today, yesterday, now, soon, early, then, before…

Слайд 7Adverbs of place: here, there, where, near, above…

Adverbs of place:  here, there, where, near, above…

Слайд 8Adverbs of repetition and frequency: often, never, sometimes, ever, usually…

Adverbs of repetition and frequency:  often, never, sometimes, ever, usually…

Слайд 9Adverbs of degree: very, quite, little, too, much…

Adverbs of degree:  very, quite, little, too, much…

Слайд 10Adverbs of manner: quickly, well, badly, slowly, easily…

Adverbs of manner:  quickly, well, badly, slowly,  easily…

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