Разделы презентаций

Учебный материал по теме "At home"


The plan of our lessonWords : - recall - practise 2. Grammar : Present Simple

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Where do you live?


Where do you live?

Слайд 2The plan of our lesson
Words : - recall

- practise


Grammar : Present Simple
Present Continuous

The plan of our lessonWords : - recall

Слайд 3Houses
a chalet
a cottage
a block of flats
a farmhouse
a mansion

terraced house
a detached house
a semi-detached house

Housesa chalet a cottagea block of flatsa farmhousea mansion a terraced housea detached housea semi-detached house

Слайд 7Rooms in the house
living room

dining room

Rooms in the housebathroom bedroom kitchen living room hall toilet dining room study

Слайд 8Furniture

Furnituresofa table chaircooker desk bed bath lamp computer wardrobe fridge

Слайд 9Translate
Я живу в особняке.
Они живут в коттедже.
Мой брат не живет

в шале, он живет в многоквартирном доме.
Англичане любят жить в

отдельных домах.
В деревне есть фермерский дом.
Моя семья живет в одном из двух особняков, имеющих общую стену.
В моей квартире есть прихожая, гостиная, спальня, ванная комната, туалет.
В моей спальне есть кровать, стол, два стула и шкаф.
TranslateЯ живу в особняке.Они живут в коттедже.Мой брат не живет в шале, он живет в многоквартирном доме.Англичане

Слайд 10What is it?
It is a wooden house typically found in

the Swiss Alps.

What is it?It is a wooden house typically found in the Swiss Alps.

Слайд 11 chalet


Слайд 12It is a small house, typically one in the country.

It is a small house, typically one in the country.

Слайд 13cottage


Слайд 14It is a large building divided into separate parts.

It is a large building divided into separate parts.

Слайд 15block of flats

block of flats

Слайд 16It is a house attached to a farm, the main

house on a farm, usually where the farmer lives.

It is a house attached to a farm, the main house on a farm, usually where the

Слайд 17farmhouse


Слайд 18It is a very large impressive house.

It is a very large impressive house.

Слайд 19mansion


Слайд 20It is one of a row of similar houses joined

together by their side walls.

It is one of a row of similar houses joined together by their side walls.

Слайд 21terraced house

terraced house

Слайд 22It isn’t joined to another house.

It isn’t joined to another house.

Слайд 23detached house

detached house

Слайд 24It is joined to another house on one side by

a shared wall.

It is joined to another house on one side by a shared wall.

Слайд 25semi-detached house

semi-detached house

Слайд 26Answer the questions

Answer the questions

Слайд 271. Where do you live? (… in Severodvinsk)
2. What kind

of house do you live in?
3. Is there a garden

near your house? (No, there isn’t. There is no garden near my house.)
4. What furniture have you got in your … (bedroom, study)? - I have got a ………
5. Do you share a room with your brother or sister?
– Yes, I do. I share a room with my sister.
- No, I don’t. I don’t share a room with my …
6. Is your room big or small? – My room is big.

1. Where do you live? (… in Severodvinsk)2. What kind of house do you live in?3. Is

Слайд 287. What’s the best thing in your room?
(The best

thing in my room is my sofa).
8. Is there a

nice view? What can you see? – Yes, there is. I can see (a yard, my school, a playground, a kindergarten) from my window.
9. Do you like your room?
10. What is your dream place to live? – My dream place to live is in the …

7. What’s the best thing in your room? (The best thing in my room is my sofa).8.

Слайд 29House
My cousin lives in a detached

house in London. Her house isn’t very big.

There are two floors in the house. On the ground floor there is a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. There are two bedrooms and a bathroom on the first floor. My cousin likes her living room because there is a sofa and a TV set. She usually has rest there after busy working days. There isn’t a study in the house.
There is a small garden outside her house. She grows flowers there.

House    My cousin lives in a detached house in London. Her house isn’t very

Слайд 30Answer the questions
Where does the cousin live?
What house does she

live in?
Is her house big?
How many floors are there?
What is

there on the ground floor? (on the first floor)
Which room isn’t there in the house?
What is cousin’s favourite room? Why?
What can you say about the garden?
Answer the questionsWhere does the cousin live?What house does she live in?Is her house big?How many floors

Слайд 32Present Simple / Present Continuous
We usually (celebrate ) Christmas with

our friends.
Where is the dog? – It (play) outside.
3. Look!

It (rain).
4. She (speak) English well.
5. I never (drink) coffee.
6. They always (do) their homework.
7. My mum and I (cook) dinner at the moment.
8. Our teacher (give) us homework every lesson.
Present Simple / Present ContinuousWe usually (celebrate ) Christmas with our friends.Where is the dog? – It

Слайд 33Put am/is/are or do/don’t/does/doesn’t.
1. I … working under my project.

Excuse me, … you speak English?
3. He … not washing

his car, he’s reading a newspaper.
4. Can you repeat this rule? I … understand.
5. She … working. She is ill.
6. How much …. it cost to go to the theatre?
7. They … painting the picture in the garden.

Put am/is/are or do/don’t/does/doesn’t.1. I … working under my project.2. Excuse me, … you speak English?3. He

Слайд 34What are they doing?/ What do they usually do?

What are they doing?/ What do they usually do?

Слайд 35Correct the mistakes.
1. Liza goes shopping tomorrow.
2. Bob brush his

teeth twice a day.
3. I am learning English every day.

Peter looks for a new flat these days.
5. She eats an apple at the moment.
6. Do you cook dinner often?
7. She doesn’t writes letters very often.

Correct the mistakes.1. Liza goes shopping tomorrow.2. Bob brush his teeth twice a day.3. I am learning

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