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Английские надписи на одежде как экстралингвистический фактор,влияющий на культуру подростков

Цель творческого проекта - выяснить как надписи на одежде влияют на культуру подростков.Задачи творческого проекта:Научиться оценивать свои способностиРазвить познавательный интерес, трудолюбиеПроанализировать надписи на одежде подростков Провести исследование и узнать какую одежду

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Английские надписи на одежде как экстралингвистический фактор, влияющий на культуру

Автор: Земсков Александр СЭГ-4Д
ГБПОУ Кстовский Нефтяной Техникум им. Б. И.


Руководитель: Кольцовская Александра Сергеевна

Кстово 2017

Английские надписи на одежде как экстралингвистический фактор, влияющий на культуру подростков Автор: Земсков Александр СЭГ-4ДГБПОУ Кстовский Нефтяной

Слайд 2Цель творческого проекта - выяснить как надписи на одежде влияют

на культуру подростков.

Задачи творческого проекта:
Научиться оценивать свои способности
Развить познавательный интерес,

Проанализировать надписи на одежде подростков
Провести исследование и узнать какую одежду носят люди моего возраста.

Гипотеза: если подростки включатся в осмысление надписей на одежде, в их перевод и понимание, то произойдет изменение отношения к английским

The history of inscriptions on clothes is very simple: at first the inscriptions adorned only the form of workers, pointing to their status in the workplace, then they began to show what designer or what firm this thing was, and only after that began to appear inscriptions that, in fact, bear meaning.

Цель творческого проекта - выяснить как надписи на одежде влияют на культуру подростков.Задачи творческого проекта:Научиться оценивать свои

Слайд 3Types of inscriptions

Musical groups.
There are often T-shirts with the following

inscriptions: "Metallica", "Beatles", "Queen", "Linkin park" and others. If a

person wears such a T-shirt, then it becomes easier for us to know his musical preferences, what kind of music he is interested in. This helps us find people with common interests.
Types of inscriptionsMusical groups.There are often T-shirts with the following inscriptions:

Слайд 4Types of inscriptions
Characteristics of man.
This semantic group can be illustrated

by the following examples: "Forever Young", "Girl prin-cess", "I am

at the age of", "Born to be Free", "Poison free", "Noth-ing is possible" , "Best friends", "Student", "Super s
Tar "," Happy every day "," I can speak fluent sar-casm "," I'm so bored "," Normal is bor-ing ". These inscriptions allow you to recognize the character traits of a person.
Types of inscriptionsCharacteristics of man.This semantic group can be illustrated by the following examples:

Слайд 5Types of inscriptions

Quotations from movies and songs: "Dia-monds are best

Girls' Friends", "All you need is rock-n-roll", "Fools grow without

Types of inscriptionsQuotations from movies and songs:

Слайд 6Clothing in the modern world has become one of the

main means of self-expression for young people. Nominally, the modern

youth, the mirror's words, reflect new trends, pressing problems and the interests of society.
Evaluating a person, we note how much clothing corresponds to age, social status, fashion. Clothing in the modern world has become one of the main means of self-expression for young people. Nominally, the modern youth, the mirror's words, reflect new trends, pressing problems and the interests of society.
Evaluating a person, we note how much clothing corresponds to age, social status, fashion.

Clothing as a way of self-expression

Clothing in the modern world has become one of the main means of self-expression for young people.

Слайд 7What is fashion?
Many people tend to buy clothes with inscriptions

exclusively in a foreign language. What do they mean by

that? If nothing, then this is really a tribute to fashion. But a T-shirt is also like a blank sheet on which you can draw. Only to the inscriptions on T-shirts in English must be taken care of, because the clever idea will sound absurd if it is not correctly formulated in a foreign language. The same can be said about standard ready-made phrases - unsuccessfully picked up will be nothing more than an incident in clothes.
What is fashion?Many people tend to buy clothes with inscriptions exclusively in a foreign language. What do

Слайд 9Inscriptions on clothes should be treated with caution. The surrounding

re-adopt them often, like words pronounced aloud by the owner

of fashionable clothes.
Inscriptions on clothes should be treated with caution. The surrounding re-adopt them often, like words pronounced aloud

Слайд 11As a result, having studied more than 100 different inscriptions,

we found that they have a really rich history: from

simple notation on the form of workers to the inherent attributes of design collections. Stylistic, semantic and gender peculiarities were not ignored, on the basis of which it was found out that the inscription on clothes is not just a decorative element, but also a powerful communication tool, the content of which can vary from the person's hobbies to his life position. I would also like to say that a positive moment can be called the fact that inscriptions of a pessimistic nature are rare. After all, the inscription is aimed to entertain, attract the attention of others. From this we can conclude that most of today's youth are still positively and optimistically.


As a result, having studied more than 100 different inscriptions, we found that they have a really

Слайд 12Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!=)

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