Слайд 1English words in modern Russian language. How they help us
to learn English.
Done by Araslanova Alfiya
the 8ht grade student of
novo secondary school
Teacher - Ibragimov M.T.
Слайд 2In our textbook there is a lesson named «Where does
the Russian come from?»It says that a lot of languages
contributed to the modern Russian language.
They are: German,Turkish, French, Dutch, Greek, English, Italian and other languages.
Слайд 3German words are: potato, kitchen, soldier.
This words came into
Russian because Russia always borrowed German technology, technic. Russian Tsars
invited the German to settle down in Russia. Same Russian Tsars married German Princesses, and one of our great Tsars was Catherine II. No wonder that we have a lot of German words in Russian language.
Слайд 4The world: тулуп, башмак, каблук and others came from Turkish.
But I think these words came from Tatar language, because
Russia was under Mongol-Tatar yoke for about 400 years. But nobody knows a word from Mongol language in modern Russian.
Слайд 5Some words came from Creek with the Orthodox church –
idol, Satan…
The French always has been experts in he fashion
and cooking. So French words are: costume, bullion, soup, cutlet..
Слайд 6Some words came from the Japanese, China, Arab language.
Japanese: дзюдо,
каратэ, ниндзя, караоке, оригами
China: чай, байховый
Arab: алгебра, кофе, магазин, лак,
Слайд 7The world from English introduced the way of living and
technic: tractor, combine, club, sport..
Today a lot of new words
came from English, we understand them without translation.
Make up
You tube
Flash mob
Слайд 8Gadget
USB (universal serial bus)
Life Huck
Ring ton
Flash mob
Back- vocal
Слайд 9Some English words don’t change at all: barbecue, spa..
some words change according to the Russian grammar:
USB flash –
Like – лайкнуть
Smile – смайлики
Clip – клипики
Okey – океюшки
Слайд 10We can divide these world into some groups:
Words from the
sphere of IT- internet
Words from the sphere of politic –
Words from the market relations – marketolog
Words from the culture – performance
Words from the service – mixer
Word from the hygiene – scrub, peeling
Слайд 11So many new words. Is it good or bad for
us? My answer is - good.
On the hand these
appliances, technology make our life easier and more interesting. Imagine our life without computer, blenders, mixers, sport, pop-music and so on… Impossible, isn't it? On the other hand it is very good for learning of English, because they sound both in Russian and English the same.
Слайд 12If you want to know English better you should read
more newspapers specially the first page. There are always many
international words. If you know them Russian, you don’t have to learn them in English.
Learn modern technologies. There always be a lot of international words.
Learn English language, because it is a great fun!