Разделы презентаций

"Faces of London"

1. “Fill in the gaps.” Put in the letters and read.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Faces of London

Faces of London

Слайд 21. “Fill in the gaps.” Put in the letters and read.

1. “Fill in the gaps.”    Put in the letters and read.

Слайд 32. “What is it?” Match pictures and titles.

2. “What is it?”    Match pictures and titles.

Слайд 4Houses of Parliament
Big Ben
Tower of London
Westminster Abbey
Trafalgar square
Buckingham Palace
Tower Bridge

Houses of ParliamentBig BenTower of LondonWestminster AbbeyTrafalgar squareBuckingham Palace123456Tower Bridge

Слайд 5Houses of Parliament
Big Ben
Tower of London
Westminster Abbey
Trafalgar square
Buckingham Palace

Houses of ParliamentBig BenTower of LondonWestminster AbbeyTrafalgar squareBuckingham Palace123456

Слайд 63. “The map of London.”

Find sights on the map.

3. “The map of London.”Find sights on the map.

Слайд 84. “Let’s watch.”

Name as many places of interest as possible.

4. “Let’s watch.”Name as many places of interest as possible.

Слайд 105. “Let’s speak.”

Act the dialogue out.

5. “Let’s speak.”Act the dialogue out.

Слайд 11- Hi! How are you?
Fine. And you?
Fine. Where

are you going?
I’m going to Madame Tussauds Museum.
And what

is there?
There are waxworks (восковые) of famous figures.
It sounds interesting. I would like to go there too.
OK. Let’s go together.
-  Hi! How are you? Fine. And you?Fine. Where are you going?I’m going to Madame Tussauds

Слайд 12- Hi! How are you?
Hi! Fine. And you?

Where are you going?
I’m going to Museum of Moving Image.

And what is this?
This is museum of the history of cinema and media.
It sounds interesting. I would like to go there too.
OK. Let’s go together.
-  Hi! How are you? Hi! Fine. And you?Fine. Where are you going?I’m going to Museum

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