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At the Doctor’s 11 класс


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Слайд 1At the Doctor’s

At the Doctor’s

Слайд 3Patient says
I have a splitting headache.
I have a bad toothache.

have a stomachache.
I am running a temperature.
I have a bad

I have a sore throat.

Patient saysI have a splitting headache.I have a bad toothache.I have a stomachache.I am running a temperature.I

Слайд 4Patient says
I must have caught cold.
I have a running nose.

have pain in my back.
I have pain in my chest.

have pain in my side.
I am feeling sore all over.
Patient saysI must have caught cold.I have a running nose.I have pain in my back.I have pain

Слайд 5The doctor says
Let me feel your pulse.
Let me examine your

Let me listen to your heart and lungs.
Let me diagnose

the case.
Let me prescribe some medicine.
Strip to the waist.
The doctor saysLet me feel your pulse.Let me examine your throat.Let me listen to your heart and

Слайд 6Doctor diagnoses
You have the flu.
You have quinsy.
You have bronchitis.
You have

You have a cold.

Doctor diagnosesYou have the flu.You have quinsy.You have bronchitis.You have pneumonia.You have a cold.

Слайд 7Doctor prescribes medicines
You must go to the chemist’s.
You must buy

some medicine.
You must stay in bed.
You must take a spoonful

of this medicine three times a day.
You must put mustard plusters on your chest and back.
You must drink hot tea with honey and raspberry jam.
Doctor prescribes medicinesYou must go to the chemist’s.You must buy some medicine.You must stay in bed.You must

Слайд 8Dialogue.


Слайд 9Plan.
Good morning, doctor!
I feel bad/ill/well.
What symptoms do you have?
I have

…… .
Let me ……. .
You have ….. .
You must

…… .

Plan.Good morning, doctor!I feel bad/ill/well.What symptoms do you have?I have …… .Let me  ……. .You have

Слайд 10Letter


Letter           HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE

Слайд 11Healthy Way of Life
The human body is much

more complicated than any machine.
No machine will work

for 70 years or more, day and night, requiring only air, water, food, and a few simple rules.
Healthy Way of Life  The human body is much more complicated than any machine.  No

Слайд 12Healthy Way of Life
To promote healthy way of

life we should avoid what’s bad for us and choose

a balanced healthy diet.
Different food contain different amounts and combinations of them: fiber, fat, sugar, salt, proteins.
Healthy Way of Life  To promote healthy way of life we should avoid what’s bad for

Слайд 13 Advice
Eat less sugar,

salt and saturated fat.
Eat more fruit and vegetables, whole meal

bread and other food rich in fibre.
Eat regularly – your body needs a steady flow of energy.
Drink five or six glasses of water per day.
Get plenty of variety in your diet.
If you want to lose weight, do it gradually. People, which lose weight quickly, usually put it back on quickly too.
Advice Eat less sugar, salt and saturated fat.Eat more fruit and

Слайд 14Healthy Way of life
Leading a healthy life depends

on more than just food: physical activity, happiness, and climate

are also important.
Healthy Way of life  Leading a healthy life depends on more than just food: physical activity,

Слайд 15Healthy Way of Life
You can go in for skiing, skating,

table tennis, swimming, jogging, cycling and so on.
Many people go

in for sports at stadiums, sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, football fields, skiing stations.
For grown-ups there are a lot of clubs and keep-fit centers in where people go in for aerobics, fitness, shaping and so on.

Healthy Way of LifeYou can go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, jogging, cycling and so

Слайд 16 Healthy Way of Life

Also it is important to have rest in summer,

to go anywhere at sea, in the south, be closer to the nature and not to be overworked.
Healthy Way of Life  Also it is important to have

Слайд 17Healthy way of life
Even if your diet is

rather unsatisfactory, keeping fit and enjoying life should help you

live for long time.
Healthy way of life  Even if your diet is rather unsatisfactory, keeping fit and enjoying life

Down: 1)tablets, pills, special drinks that help you get better

when you are ill.
Across; 1)a serious illness affecting lungs that

makes breathing difficult.
2)An instrument that tells you how hot or cold something is.
3)To say exactly what an illness is.
4)An illness when you have a bad cough and high temperature.
5)An illness that affects the bronchial tubes leading to the lungs.
6)A note from a doctor to a chemist to give some medicine to someone.
7)Sweet food that bees make.
8)Thing inside the chest that pumps blood round the body.
LINEWORDDown: 1)tablets, pills, special drinks that help you get better when you are ill.Across; 1)a serious illness



Слайд 20Work in a Group

How to be healthy?

Work in a Group            How to

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