Разделы презентаций

Buying a present

Buying Presents

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1By Liudmila Redkina

By Liudmila Redkina

Слайд 2Buying Presents

Buying Presents

Слайд 3 I need to buy……

You should go to … /

Let’s go to……

I need to buy……You should go to … / Let’s go to……

Слайд 7Good morning! Can I help you?
Would you like it ….

What material would you like to choose?
I think I’ll take

the orange one, please.
Would you wrap it, please?
I’m afraid we are not able to do that. You’ll have to take the escalator and go to the gift shop.

Good morning! Can I help you?Would you like it ….Certainly. What material would you like to choose?I

Слайд 8 SA - Good morning! Can

I help you?
EMILY -Yes, please. I need a frame

as a present for a friend.
SA -Would you like it round or rectangular?
EMILY - I’d prefer a rectangular one.
SA - Certainly. What material would you like to choose?
EMILY -Metal, please.
SA - All right then. We have it in blue, grey and orange.
EMILY -I think I’ll take the orange one, please.
SA - Here you are. That’s 15 pounds.
EMILY -Would you wrap it, please?
SA -I’m afraid we are not able to do that. You’ll have to take the escalator and go to the gift shop.
EMILY -Great! Thank you for your help.
SA -You are welcome!
SA    -  Good morning! Can I help you?EMILY  -Yes, please. I

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