Разделы презентаций

City or Country? 5 класс

City or Country?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Today is the 29th of January It’s Thursday.
Let’s start our


Divide the words on your desks into 2 groups!
What is

the theme of our lesson?
What are we going to talk about?

Today is the 29th of January It’s Thursday. Let’s start our lesson!Divide the words on your desks

Слайд 2City or Country?

City or Country?

Слайд 3Practise saying these adjectives:
quiet – quieter
noisy – noisier
clean – cleaner

– dirtier
easy – easier
difficult – more difficult
boring – more

exciting - more exciting
beautiful – more beautiful
Practise saying these adjectives:quiet – quieternoisy – noisierclean – cleanerdirty – dirtiereasy – easierdifficult – more difficult

Слайд 4Listen to the questions and think about
your answers:

1. Which

is quieter: a city or the country?
2. Which is more

3. Which is cleaner?
4. Where are there more cars and buses?
5. Which is more exciting?
6. Where are there more things to do?
7. Where is shopping more difficult?
Listen to the questions and think about your answers:1. Which is quieter: a city or the country?2.

Слайд 5Work with a classmate!
Ask and answer the questions:

1. Which

is quieter: a city or the country?
2. Which is more

3. Which is cleaner?
4. Where are there more cars and buses?
5. Which is more exciting?
6. Where are there more things to do?
7. Where is shopping more difficult?
Work with a classmate! Ask and answer the questions:1. Which is quieter: a city or the country?2.

Слайд 6 It’s time to have a rest! Let’s do exercises!

It’s time to have a rest!  Let’s do exercises!

Слайд 7Work in group! Imagine that you live there! Find 3 good

things and 3 bad things about living in:
the city

the country

Work in group! Imagine that you live there! Find 3 good things and 3 bad things about

Слайд 8 Homework
с. 71 № 6
написать о нашем городе:

есть хорошее, а что плохое

Homework  с. 71 № 6 написать о нашем городе: что есть хорошее, а что плохое

Слайд 9That’s all for today.

-What was the theme of our lesson?

-What was the aim of our lesson?

-What have we learnt?


you like our lesson?


That’s all for today.-What was the theme of our lesson? -What was the aim of our lesson?-What

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