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Deforestation and recycling 8 класс

Слайды и текст этой презентации



Слайд 2It’s a wonderful world we live in!

It’s a wonderful world we live in!

Слайд 3Millions of animals die every year because men have polluted

their natural homes.

Millions of animals die every year because men have polluted their natural homes.

Слайд 4 The country air may be polluted by power

stations and factories. Some of the rivers are now empty

of fish.
The country air may be polluted by power stations and factories. Some of the rivers

Слайд 5All over the world forests are disappearing.

All over the world forests are disappearing.

Слайд 7Forests the size of Belgium are destroyed every year.

Forests the size of Belgium are destroyed every year.



Слайд 10According to the Green World:

According to the Green World:

Слайд 11Waste paper, glass, metal and plastic can be burnt or


Waste paper, glass, metal and plastic can be burnt or recycled.

Слайд 12Recycling saves trees and energy and protects the environment from


Recycling saves trees and energy and protects the environment from pollution.



Слайд 14Every year in Britain each person produces 57 kilograms of

plastic waste.

Every year in Britain each person produces 57 kilograms of plastic waste.

Слайд 15Most of the packaging becomes litter.

Most of the packaging becomes litter.

Слайд 16Fortunately, there are people who clear litter away.

Fortunately, there are people who clear litter away.

Слайд 17Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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