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Do you know English perfectly? 5 класс


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Do you know English perfectly?

Do you know English perfectly?

Слайд 21


Слайд 3Say or sing
the English alphabet

Say or sing the English alphabet

Слайд 4Name 5 colors

Name 5 colors

Слайд 5Name 5 sorts of

Name 5 sorts of vegetables

Слайд 6Name 5 school subjects

Name 5 school subjects

Слайд 7Name 5 sorts of fruit

Name 5 sorts of fruit

Слайд 8Name 5 sports

Name 5 sports

Слайд 9Name 5 professions

Name 5 professions

Слайд 10Name 5 things
that people wear

Name 5 things that people wear

Слайд 11Name 5 English names

Name 5 English names

Слайд 12Name 5

Name 5 English-speaking countries

Слайд 13Name 5 wild animals

Name 5 wild animals

Слайд 14Choose the right answer
A, B or C

Choose the right answer A, B or C

Слайд 151. The capital of England is

1. The capital of England is London Paris Moscow.

Слайд 162. London stands
the Volga
the Mississippi
the Thames

2. London stands the Volga the Mississippithe Thames

Слайд 173. The symbol of England is
a red rose

a narcissus.

3. The symbol of England is a red rose a tulip a narcissus.

Слайд 184. The English flag is
a) blue and white b)

red and green c) red and white

4. The English flag is a) blue and white b) red and green c) red and white

Слайд 195. Golf comes from a) Scotland
b) Russia
c) the


5. Golf comes from a) Scotland b) Russia c) the USA.

Слайд 206. A. Bell invented
a car
a telephone
a plane.

6. A. Bell invented a car a telephone a plane.

Слайд 217. Ch. Chaplin was
an artist
a composer
an actor

7. Ch. Chaplin was an artist a composer an actor

Слайд 228. Cricket comes from

8. Cricket comes from England Italy France.

Слайд 239. “Robinson Crusoe” was written by
Lewis Carroll
Daniel Defoe

Alan Milne.

9. “Robinson Crusoe” was written by Lewis Carroll Daniel Defoe Alan Milne.

Слайд 2410. The traditional Christmas meal in England is
roast turkey

fish and chips

10. The traditional Christmas meal in England is roast turkey fish and chips porridge.

Слайд 25Answer the questions

Answer the questions

Слайд 26Who invented the telephone?

Who invented the telephone?

Слайд 27Alexander Graham

Alexander Graham Bell

Слайд 28Who discovered America?

Who discovered America?

Слайд 29Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus

Слайд 30Who invented the car?

Who invented the car?

Слайд 31Henry Ford

Henry Ford

Слайд 32Who created Donald Duck?

Who created Donald Duck?

Слайд 33Walt Disney

Walt Disney

Слайд 34Who discovered Australia?

Who discovered Australia?

Слайд 35James Cook

James Cook

Слайд 36Who was the 1st man in space?

Who was the 1st man in space?

Слайд 37Yuri Gagarin

Yuri Gagarin

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