Разделы презентаций

Sports and games


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 Sports and games

Sports and games

Слайд 2Let’s Do

Let’s Do exercises!

Слайд 3What kind of sports do you know?

What kind of sports do you know?

Слайд 21Words that you should know…..
1. A Coach
2. To take

part ( past. Took part)
3. A competition

win( past. Won) a medal
5.To train
6. To keep fit
7. Favourite sport

a. Жарыстарға қатысу
b. Сүйікті спорт
c. Жаттығу , жаттықтыру
d. Дені сау болу
e. Жаттықтырушы
f. Жеңу
g. Жарыс









Words  that you should know…..1. A Coach2. To take part ( past. Took part) 3. A

Слайд 22Hi! My name is Samat . I live in Almaty

city . I like sport and I’m a wrestler. I

have my own coach , who trains me . I’ve took part in many competitions, and won many medals.
Also beside wrestling I can play football or chess. My friend likes sport too, he is a boxer . I like sport because it helps us to keep fit and be healthy. What about you? What is your favourite sport? What can you do?
Hi! My name is Samat . I live in Almaty city . I like sport and I’m

Слайд 23 1.Samat is a wrestler, he isn’t a football player.

it true or false?

1.Samat is a wrestler, he isn’t a football player.Is it true or false?

Слайд 24
2. Samat has his own coach.
True or false

2. Samat has his own coach.True or false?

Слайд 253. His friend is a boxer , but he doesn’t

like sport.
True or false

3. His friend is a boxer , but he doesn’t like sport.True or false?

Слайд 26True or false?
4. He can’t play football
or chess

True or false?4. He can’t play football or chess

Слайд 27 What is your favourite sport
And what can you

What is your favourite sport And what can you do?

Слайд 28Modal verb:
Can / can’t
I can / can’t:
Play tennis
Play football


Modal verb:Can / can’t I can / can’t:RunSkiPlay tennisPlay footballDance wrestle skate

Слайд 29
A dog ___ swim very well in a sea, lake

or river.

Turtles ___ run fast because they have

to carry their heavy shells.

Oliver ___ play basketball very well. He is in the school team.

Mr.Steep ___ climb high mountains. He is a successful mountaineer.

A dog ___ swim very well in a sea, lake or river. Turtles ___ run fast because

Слайд 30
to play basketball
To Swim
To Wrestle

to play basketballTo  Swim To Wrestle

Слайд 31Put the sentences in correct order!
Can chess play I.
Can’t I

play tennis.
Football he play can?
I ski can’t.
My friend

can rugby play.
Can box you?

Put the sentences in correct order!Can chess play I.Can’t I play tennis.Football he play can? I ski

Слайд 32An Interview
*Can you swim?
*Can your friend play

Can your mother or father play

Can you run faster?
Can your teacher ski?

* Yes, I can/ No, I cannot
Yes, he/ she can/No, he/ she cannot
Yes, he/she can / No, he/she cannot.
Yes, I can/ No, I cannot.
Yes, he/she can / No, he/she cannot

An Interview*Can you swim? *Can your friend  play     chess? Can your mother

Слайд 33Famous sportsmen

Famous sportsmen

Слайд 34His/ her name is…..
And he/she is a( football player,

figure skater, weightlifter, boxer , an athlete)
He/she was born

He/she is….. years old
He/she won ( a gold, silver ,bronze medal) at Olympic games in…
He/she has a ( big, small) family, …. children
In her/ his free time he/she likes( reading books, listening to music, walking, running)

A plan to describe a sportsman

His/ her name is….. And he/she is a( football player, figure skater, weightlifter, boxer , an athlete)

Слайд 35This subject has a round form. You can play football,

basketball with this subject.
What is it?

This subject has a round form. You can play football, basketball with this subject.What is it?

Слайд 36It is a

It is a ball

Слайд 37Figure … is my favourite kind of sport.
What kind of

sport is this?

Figure … is my favourite kind of sport.What kind of sport is this?

Слайд 38Figure - Skating

Figure - Skating

Слайд 39 What kind of sport is this?
In this game you

must throw (лақтыру ) a ball into a basket

What kind of sport is this?In this game you must throw (лақтыру ) a ball into

Слайд 40 Basketball


Слайд 41David Backham plays this game
What kind of sport is


David Backham plays this game What kind of sport is this?

Слайд 42Football


Слайд 43What kind of sport is this?
You can go … to

the swimming-pool

What kind of sport is this?You can go … to the swimming-pool

Слайд 44 Swimming


Слайд 45 It is a Kazakh national sport. IT BEGINS WITH

What kind of sport is this?

It is a Kazakh national sport. IT BEGINS WITH THE LETTER “w”What kind of sport is

Слайд 46Wrestling


Слайд 47 For this kind of sport you need a bike

kind of sport is this?

For this kind of sport you need a bikeWhat kind of sport is this?

Слайд 48 Cycling


Слайд 49 In this kind of sport you should lift(көтеру )

heavy metals
What kind of sport is this?

In this kind of sport you should lift(көтеру ) heavy metalsWhat kind of sport is this?

Слайд 50Weightlifting


Слайд 51In the ring you do………
What kind of sport is this?

In the ring you do………What kind of sport is this?

Слайд 52 Boxing


Слайд 53Well done!!!

Well done!!!

Слайд 54Thank you for your work!


Thank you for your work! attention!!!

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