Разделы презентаций

Ecological Problems

Ecological Problems

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Project
"Ecological Problems "


Слайд 2Ecological Problems

Ecological Problems

Слайд 3 As you see, factories and plants dump industrial waste into

the air. The by-products of their activity pollute the air

we breath.
As you see, factories and plants dump industrial waste into the air. The by-products of their activity

Слайд 4 Cars and buses put a lot of smoke into the

air. There are too many cars nowadays. There are often

traffic jams in Irkutsk. They do a lot of harm to our town atmosphere and ruin the beauty of the countryside because many new roads are built everywhere.
Cars and buses put a lot of smoke into the air. There are too many cars nowadays.

Слайд 5 I’d like to add the railways are also one of

the sources of pollution, especially locomotives. One locomotive exausts as

much harmful waste into the air as 40 or 50 cars.
I’d like to add the railways are also one of the sources of pollution, especially locomotives. One

Слайд 6 You know that railway transport throws out into the atmosphere

300 kinds of harmful substances which change the structure of

air. It’s very dangerous for the health of people.
You know that railway transport throws out into the atmosphere 300 kinds of harmful substances which change

Слайд 7
Some people’s activities do a lot of harm to forests

and trees. They are cut down. Their disappearance upsets the

oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals , birds and plants disappear forever.

But trees disappear not only because of it. Every day we waste tons of paper made from wood .

Some people’s activities do a lot of harm to forests and trees. They are cut down. Their

Слайд 8
Not to litter the ground and water sources with paper,

cans or bottles. People should not throw rubbish and trash

into the rivers and lakes.
Not to litter the ground and water sources with paper, cans or bottles. People should not throw

Слайд 9
One more source of air pollution. We produce carbon dioxide

when we burn things. Trees take this gas from the

air and produce oxygen. There are fewer trees and of course, more dioxide.
One more source of air pollution. We produce carbon dioxide when we burn things. Trees take this

Слайд 10 Factories and plants must stop to throw chemical and toxic

wastes into the rivers and seas.

Factories and plants must stop to throw chemical and toxic wastes into the rivers and seas.

Слайд 11 People must discuss different ecological problems and make correct conclusions.

Only common efforts will help to stop further pollution.

People must discuss different ecological problems and make correct conclusions. Only common efforts will help to stop

Слайд 12 People must change their way
of life and their attitude

to the nature!

People must change their way of life and their attitude to the nature!

Слайд 13 People must care about animals and plants and they should

not kill animals for their fur.

People must care about animals and plants and they should not kill animals for their fur.

Слайд 14 People must not cut down so many trees.

People must not cut down so many 								trees.

Слайд 15Please, save the Environment !

Please, save the Environment !

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