Разделы презентаций

Fruits and vegetables 3 класс

1. potato 2. tomato 3. corn 4. nut 5. apple 6. carrot 7. cabbage 8. pear Listen to the speaker and repeat the words

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1November, 21 Saturday
Fruits and vegetables
Иринчинова Цырегма Бадмадоржиевна,
учитель английского языка

November, 21 Saturday Fruits and vegetablesИринчинова Цырегма Бадмадоржиевна, учитель английского языка

Слайд 21. potato 2. tomato 3. corn 4. nut 5. apple 6. carrot 7. cabbage 8. pear

to the speaker and repeat the words

1. potato 2. tomato 3. corn 4. nut 5. apple 6. carrot 7. cabbage 8. pear

Слайд 3This is a pear.

This is a pear.

Слайд 4It is a tomato

It is a tomato

Слайд 5This is a potato

This is a potato

Слайд 6It is a corn

It is a corn

Слайд 7It is an apple

It is an apple

Слайд 8It is a nut

It is a nut

Слайд 9It is a carrot

It is a carrot

Слайд 10This is a cabbage

This is a cabbage

Слайд 11This is = It is Это
This is an apple=It

is an apple.
- Это яблоко.

This is = It is  Это This is an apple=It is an apple. - Это яблоко.

Слайд 12Correct Mr.Mistake`s mistakes
Исправьте ошибки мистера Ошибкина

Correct Mr.Mistake`s mistakesИсправьте ошибки мистера Ошибкина

Слайд 13 It is carrot.
No, it is not.

It is carrot.  No, it is not.

Слайд 14It is a tomato.
No, it is not.

It is a tomato.No, it is not.

Слайд 15It is an apple.
No, it is not.

It is an apple.No, it is not.

Слайд 16Write the words in an alphabetical order.
Напишите слова в

алфавитном порядке
potato, tomato, corn, nut, apple, carrot, cabbage, pear

Write the words in  an alphabetical order. Напишите слова в алфавитном порядкеpotato, tomato, corn, nut, apple,

Слайд 17apple, cabbage, carrot, corn, nut, pear, potato, tomato

apple, cabbage, carrot, corn, nut, pear, potato, tomato

Слайд 18Fill in the missing letter
Впишите недостающие буквы

Fill in the missing letterВпишите недостающие буквы

Слайд 19p…tato



Слайд 20Peter likes .
Tom loves

Nick likes

Ben loves

Name the pictures

Peter likes     .Tom loves       . Nick likes

Слайд 21Hometask
Draw your favourite fruits and vegetables

Hometask Draw your favourite fruits and vegetables

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